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        "If you're just going to keep nagging me about it then just let me leave!" Beomgyu clenched his fists as he glared at the boy who was blocking his bedroom door. The two boys have been arguing ever since Kai had caught the other boy smoking in his room, and frankly, Beomgyu has had enough.

Kai shut his eyes closed and shook his head, "Not until you hand over that pack of cigarettes!" 

"Why are you acting like you care all of a sudden?" Beomgyu raised his voice, "Just mind your own business!"

"Stop shouting! You're going to wake up my Grammy!" Kai yelled back.

"You're being just as loud as me!" Beomgyu quickly defended himself.

Kai continued to keep his eyes closed as he tried to keep calm. Kai took a few deep breaths, trying to clear his mind and-

"Is this really the time for you to be doing your weird meditation routine?"

Kai snapped open his eyes and whisper-shouted, "I'm trying to keep my voice down!"

Beomgyu rolled his eyes as he began to tap on the windowsill, "How about you just stop talking in general?" Kai just pursed his lips together as he watched the blonde boy walk closer to him. "Now just let me leave."

"I won't let you!"

"Why not?" Beomgyu growled as he fought the temptation to just push the younger out of the way, "I don't need to stay here. There's actually a place I found recently that is really nice that I'll just go to instead."

Kai cocked an eyebrow, "And where might this place be?"

"It's a secret," Beomgyu winked, causing shivers to go down Kai's spine.

"Why did you come here first instead of going to this special place of yours?" Kai asked, still keeping his ground.

"Well, it's outside so it's cold," the older explained.

"Beomgyu," Kai shook his head.

Beomgyu slightly chuckled as he continued to describe his hideout, "There's also a slight chance I could get arrested if I was found."

"Definitely not!" Kai furrowed his brows and Beomgyu just laughed, "Are you lying to me?"

"No, I'm being dead serious," Beomgyu stated, "I just think your reaction is funny."

"There's nothing funny about going to jail," Kai pouted. Beomgyu didn't say anything and just plopped down on the younger's bed. Kai debated on whether or not he should join the older but he didn't quite trust him yet. Beomgyu just grabbed one of Kai's pillows and buried his face into, making Kai feel a bit guilty, but he quickly shook off that feeling. Kai was doing this for the older's own good, "Beomgyu."


"Don't get mad at me," Kai went against his gut and sat next to Beomgyu, "I'm only doing-" Beomgyu quickly jumped up and headed for the door, but Kai was quick to react and leaped at the older, making them both fall on the floor. "I'm not going to let you leave," Kai heaved as he struggled to keep Beomgyu down.

Beomgyu eventually gave up and sighed, "Why do you care so much if I smoke or sleep outside? I thought you hated me."

Kai made eye contact with the older, "I do. In fact, I hate you with every single bone in my body," Kai silently gasped at his own words, "Sorry, that was too harsh."

"Don't worry Honey," Beomgyu huffed, "The feeling is mutual."

"I may not like you, but you're still my friend," Kai pouted his lips, "and friends are supposed to care about each other."

Sugar, Please - Yeonjun x SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now