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        Kai frantically watched the clock throughout his seventh period. After Yeonjun had returned to their lunch table he told them everything, and while Beomgyu was amused, Kai, on the other hand, was furious. Although Kai did not like Taehyun's story, but it made the brown haired boy happy, and Yeonjun had no right to take that away from him. Kai knew Taehyun wants nothing to do with him ever since he and Beomgyu broke up, but he really just wanted to make sure the older was okay. He couldn't even imagine how upset Taehyun.

"Can you not?" the girl next to Kai grabbed his hand to stop him from tapping his pen on the desk.

"Sorry Yuna," Kai pulled his hand out of her grasp and into his lap, "I didn't realize I was doing that." Yuna didn't say anything and returned her attention back to the history lesson and Kai slouched down in his seat. He tried his best to focus on the lesson but his mind kept wandering to his old friends. "Why am I still thinking about them?" Kai muttered to himself, "I don't want anything to do with those losers anymore." This caused Yuna to shush him and Kai just rolled his eyes. This is going to be a long class.


Class was finally over and Taehyun reluctantly made his way to their musty school bus. His last period was on the other side of campus which always caused him to be the last student to board. Although it was nearly impossible to find an empty seat it didn't stop Taehyun from trying and as he scanned the rows he suddenly felt someone grab his wrist and pull him into the seat next to them. He cursed out loud before looking over at his kidnapper, "K-kai?"

"Hey Tae," Kai tightened his grasp on the older to ensure he couldn't leave, "How are you feeling?"

"That's none of your concern," Taehyun pursed his lips together and pried open Kai's fingers. Just as he was about to leave the bus started up, "Are you serious?" Taehyun didn't want to talk to Kai, but he knew if he moved now that he would be in some major trouble with the bus driver.

"Whew!" Kai sighed in relief, "That was a close one."

Taehyun darted his eyes to the younger, "What do you want Kai?"

"Right," Kai cleared his throat, "I heard about what Yeonjun did to you at lunch today?"

"Yeah and?"

"Well I wanted to say I was sorry," Kai frowned, "I know how much that story meant to you."

"You're sorry?" Taehyun furrowed his brows, "You expect me to believe that? What are you going to tell me next, the sky is green?"

"Come on," Kai tsked, "I'm trying to be nice."

"Yeah because you're so nice," Taehyun tilted his head and cocked an eyebrow, "Because caring about your reputation in high school is more important than your friends' well-being." 

"I'm tried of being a nobody!" Kai snapped, "and being around a laughing stock was only making it worse!"

Taehyun let out a short chuckle as he rested his head against the seat in front of him, "Thanks Kai."

"I- uh," Kai gulped, feeling embarrassed about his sudden outburst, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that to you."

Taehyun shook his head, "I'm done talking to you."

"Can we start this conversation over?" Kai rubbed the back of his neck and Taehyun didn't respond, "Please?"

"How much longer until we get to our stop?" Taehyun asked, leaning back in his seat.

"Fine," Kai pouted softly and turned his attention to the window, crossing his arms. Taehyun could tell that the younger was upset and he felt like the younger deserved it, but the other part of him hated seeing Kai like this. Their friendship may be over but that bond is still there.

Sugar, Please - Yeonjun x SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now