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        Soobin couldn't move. 

Well he could if he really wanted to.

But he refused.

Soobin was standing at the end of the hallway and could hear arguing between his new boyfriend and his current best friend, who sounded like he was trying to lose his voice. He completely forgot to respond to Taehyun, so Soobin imagined he would be upset, but Taehyun had no idea about Yeonjun and his relationship, so the boy must now be furious.

 Soobin didn't want to hear them fight anymore, but he was also too scared to go out there.

"Hurry up Soobin!"

For obvious reasons.

Soobin took a deep breath. He can't keep hiding here. Soobin slowly made his way to the living room and focused more on what they were saying to figure out a way to break it up.

"You should just leave!"

"I was invited here," the voice paused for a moment, "Not you."

"You're a liar! He promised me that he would stay away from you."

"Obviously your stupid little promise meant nothing to him."

"Hey! Soobin is my best friend and I-"

Hearing enough, Soobin finally revealed himself and walked between the two boys, "Hey now. There's no need to fight over me."

"What the hell Soobin," Taehyun, without hesitation, punched Soobin's arm.

Soobin let out a soft 'ow' and held the spot he was hit, "What was that for?"

"What is this slag doing here?" Taehyun looked at Yeonjun like he was going to kill him and the older just scowled.

"Real mature," Yeonjun scoffed.

"It's true though," Taehyun scrunched his face.

The older gave him a dry laugh in return, "You're just jealous that the only relationship you've been in the guy got bored and left," he looked Taehyun up and down, "and I can see why."

"Yeonjun!" Soobin glared at the shorter, "Did you already forget what we talked about?"

Yeonjun felt a bit discouraged that Soobin was quick to take the younger's side, "But he started it," Yeonjun whined, "He pushed me!"

"You're acting like a child," Taehyun rolled his eyes.

"Says the one who threw a fit because there was someone else at his friend's house!"

"Enough," Soobin now turned to fully face Yeonjun, "If you're going to keep acting like this then just forget about what happened today."

Yeonjun couldn't believe what he was hearing. Is Soobin really that blinded by his friendship that he can't see that Taehyun is being just as bad. The boy pretty much just called him a whore! Yeonjun latched onto Soobin's arm, "Are you kidding me?"

"What?" Soobin asked, "This was the one thing I asked you to do for me."

"Please," Yeonjun tightened his grip and pushed his head into the younger's chest, "Please Chan, don't leave me."


Yeonjun looked up at the younger and felt his cheeks heat up, "I said Soobin."

"I'm pretty sure I heard the name Chan come out of your pretty little mouth," Taehyun interjected and smirked, not making the situation any better for Yeonjun.

"I'm sorry," Yeonjun felt his eyes start to tear up and it made him mad that he was so upset about this. It's only Soobin. He barely knows the boy. If this doesn't work out he could always go find someone else's heart to play with. Why was he feeling like this?

Sugar, Please - Yeonjun x SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now