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        Kai is exhausted.

He's not tired from his schoolwork or exercise. 

He's tired because of Beomgyu.

Ever since Beomgyu kicked Yeonjun out of their friend group, for a reason Kai is still confused about, it seems like the only person Beomgyu is talking to is him. After Beomgyu opened up to him on Thursday, Kai thought they had gotten closer and thought they could be good friends. 

Kai was wrong.

By the time Monday came, Beomgyu had acted like nothing had happened between the two. He is just as crude as before and without Yeonjun here, it's even worse. Instead of listening to the two former friends gossip an take an insult every now and then, Kai has to hear these insults the whole lunch period and whenever they see each other in the halls.

Just imagine being told how worthless you are for almost an hour everyday.

It does a lot to the brain.

Kai has tried playing nice, but he's sick of it. Kai wants nothing to do with Choi Beomgyu, but what can he do? He dumped his true friends for popularity because he let his anxiety get the best of him. Kai thought that if he was with the popular kids then people would like him and stop bullying him, but thanks to Beomgyu's plan, most kids fear him instead.

All of this is giving Kai a headache. 

The boy groaned as he covered himself with his comforter. Kai shut his eyes and tried to take a nap, hoping that it would make the headache go away, when suddenly his mom burst open his bedroom door, "It's time to-what are you doing in bed?"

Kai flipped down the blanket so his face was now revealed, "I don't want to go today."

"Come on, bud," she sat down on the foot of his bed, "We only get to do this once a week."

"That's a lot."

"Why don't you wanna go?" a frown appeared on her face, already making Kai feel like he was being selfish, "Did you and Taehyun get into a fight or something?"

"It's not that," Kai sat up, "I have a headache."

"Oh, we have plenty of medicine for that," she stood up, "I'll go get you some."

"It's okay I really just-" before Kai could finish his mom was already out of the room. Kai sighed as he waited for her to return. She came back a few minutes later with a white pill and a bottle of water.

 "Thanks," he muttered as he took the medicine from his mother.

"Of course. Now come on let's go," she pulled the remainder of the covers off of him, "Make sure you get dressed. I don't want you to be embarrassed in front of your friends for wearing your pajamas out."

"Mom, I really-"

"What's wrong now?" she furrowed her brows and concern was written on her face.

Kai narrowed his eyes, "Never mind."

"Great," she smiled, "I'll be waiting for you in the car."

Kai grudgingly pulled himself out of bed after his mother had left. He headed for his closet and grabbed a random hoodie. It was one of his favorites, his Ravenclaw hoodie. Kai recalled taking the housing quiz online and how disappointed he was when he had gotten Hufflepuff. Kai knew he was Ravenclaw and no dumb online test could tell him otherwise. Kai threw the hood over his kitten pajama shirt and found some random jeans to change into. 

"Let's get this over with."


Taehyun and Soobin were watching Youtube on the TV in Taehyun's living room. The boys chose random music videos and ranked all of their outfits. It was pretty entertaining. Taehyun's mother informed them that they were going to stay here and that she and Kai's mother would cook tonight. Which was strange because they always go out on Wednesday, but Taehyun didn't mind. Given any chance to just sit around and do nothing, he'll take it. The doorbell rang and Taehyun's good mood slowly started to drift away.

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