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Hey there! This is just a quick warning that this chapter contains a more sensitive topic than usual. I don't want to say exactly what happens, but just keep that in mind and try to remember the location they are at.


        Soobin felt a wave of relief hit him once he pulled himself up to the top of the building. He really did that. Choi Soobin, someone who is afraid of escalators, really just climbed a three story building. Soobin couldn't help but applaud himself at his achievement and Yeonjun couldn't help but laugh at his cute little outburst. 

After Soobin calmed down he took the time to observe his surroundings. It really was amazing. The sky didn't have many stars that appeared tonight, but the darkness the sky had created made everything have this sort of beautiful mystery about it. The chill breeze, which Soobin usually wasn't fond of, felt relaxing as it hit his face. The full moon was casting a dull light that hit just right to make some of the metal structures dazzle like diamonds. Soobin hadn't even realized that he had walked to the edge of the building until Yeonjun grabbed his arm. Soobin looked down at his feet and when he realized how close he was to falling he let out a short scream and ran more towards the middle of the surface. Yeonjun busted out laughing and Soobin pouted his lip, "What's so funny? I could have died!"

It took a second for Yeonjun to regain his composure and he wiped a tear that threatened to fall from his eye from laughing so hard, "But you didn't, so you don't need to panic like that."

"You don't need to panic like that," Soobin mocked him before turning to give Yeonjun the cold shoulder.

Yeonjun sighed, but couldn't help but smile, "I'm sorry Soobin." 

Soobin shook his head and Yeonjun rolled his eyes, "If you're trying to ignore someone then you shouldn't respond to them." Soobin froze in place and Yeonjun chuckled. Yeonjun ran up behind him and pulled the younger into a back hug, nuzzling his face into his neck. After a few seconds Yeonjun lifted his head and whispered into his ear, "You're adorable when you're angry." Yeonjun frowned when he still got no response. Usually Soobin would be really flustered, but instead he held a stone cold face. Yeonjun must have taken his joke seriously and he was mad at himself for opening his big mouth. Yeonjun, still wanting to break the boy's silence, bit his ear.

Soobin immediately pushed the older boy off at him and stared at him with wide eyes. Yeonjun waited for him to say something but Soobin still remained quiet. Soobin's playful smirk quickly turned into a frown, "Fine."

Soobin raised cocked a brow as if he were asking the boy 'what?'

"If you're not going to talk to me, then I might as well leave," Yeonjun stated as he walked to the area they used to climb up there, "You can get down by yourself."


Yeonjun looked back at him, putting on his best surprised expression, "You want me to stay?"

"Yeah," Soobin nervously chuckled, "Please don't leave me up here."

"I would never do that," Yeonjun made his way back over to Soobin, "Besides, without me here how else are you going to stay warm?" Yeonjun winked at him, but noticed Soobin's attention was on something behind him.

Yeonjun quickly spun around and saw on the other side of the building was a very small flame that went out in a matter of seconds.

"What was that?" Soobin asked, fear evident in his voice.

"I'm not sure," Yeonjun said as he began to make his way over to the light source. Soobin wanted to scream if the other boy was crazy, but decided against it. It was so dark that Yeonjun's figure started to disappear. Not wanting to be left alone, Soobin reluctantly followed.

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