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        "Too much!" 

Soobin snapped out of his thoughts and quickly moved the bowl of batter away from the cupcake pan when he noticed one was overflowing. He looked at Yeonjun with a cheeky smile on his face, "Whoops."

Normally on Wednesday nights, Soobin would be with Taehyun and Kai during, but Yeonjun insisted they made up for their lost time and offered to teach him how to make blueberry muffins. Luckily Taehyun didn't seem to mind this time because he and Kai had begun to get closer.

"Let me do the rest," Yeonjun said as he took the bowl of batter out of Soobin's hands.


"Why are you pouting?" Yeonjun tilted his head.

"Because I wanted to do it," Soobin muttered.

"What's that?" Yeonjun turned his attention to the pan and started to pour out some more batter, "You have to speak louder than that."

"Hey!" Soobin held onto one of Yeonjun's arms and the older smirked, "I know you heard me!"

Yeonjun stopped and glanced over at the taller boy, "I would let you, but you weren't paying attention and made a mess."

Soobin whined, "It was just one time."

"And that is one time too many," Yeonjun scolded.

"So you don't believe in second chances?" Soobin lowered his voice, "If that's the case then I guess you shouldn't be here."

Yeonjun froze in place as his eyes widened after realizing that Soobin was referring to him giving Yeonjun a second chance at their relationship, "I-I Soobin-"

Soobin giggled at his reaction which caused the blue haired male's face to turn a crimson red. Soobin wrapped his arms around Yeonjun's waist from behind and whispered in his ear, "You're so cute when you're flustered."


"Yes I think you're cute."

Yeonjun physically rolled his eyes in frustration at himself. Why is he getting so flustered all of a sudden? He's supposed to be the one that's good at flirting. He has his reputation for a reason.

"How about this," Soobin raised his arms and laid them on top of Yeonjun's so both of their hands were holding on the bowl, "Let's do the rest together."

Yeonjun didn't even notice he had a wide smile on his face until he started to talk, "That sounds good to me."

They two boys successfully poured out the rest of the batter, getting a little on Yeonjun's hands, and put their muffins in the oven. 

"That was fun," Soobin smiled as he sat down, ignoring the mess on the table that consisted of random ingredients and measuring cups laying everywhere, "Thanks for teaching me."

"Of course," Yeonjun smiled and sat in Soobin's lap, despite there being three other empty chairs in the room, "Anything to spend more time with you." Soobin let out a little groan at the action and Yeonjun glared at him, "I heard that."

"I can't help that you're heavy," Soobin stuck out his tongue and Yeonjun dramatically gasped.

"You're so mean!"

"I'm only kidd-"  Soobin was cut off when Yeonjun wiped the raw batter from his hands onto the younger's face.

Soobin kept a blank expression on his face and Yeonjun couldn't help but burst out into laughter, "Aww don't look so grumpy Sugar! You practically asked for it!"

During his laughing fit Yeonjun failed to notice that Soobin had grabbed a measuring cup that was half filled with flour and didn't hesitate the throw the powdery substance in Yeonjun's face. Yeonjun let out a breath and a cloud of flour escaped his lips. This time Soobin was the one laughing. 

Sugar, Please - Yeonjun x SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now