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        Yeonjun threw his bag across the room and did not care that some of his supplies fell out of his half unzipped bag. He laid on the couch and buried his face in one of the pillows. Every time Yeonjun thinks things are starting to go well, the world just wants to prove him wrong. He just wished the world would leave him alone and let him be happy for once. He bitterly laughed into the pillow, like that would ever happen. Yeonjun heard one of the doors open and mentally groaned. He was hoping Minho would be out with his frat friends so he could have the apartment all to himself tonight. 


Yeonjun didn't say anything. He hoped that if he ignored the older for long enough that he would go away.

"I thought you were staying at your boyfriend's house tonight," Minho snickered as he made his way over to his cousin.

Yeonjun shook his head.

"Why not?" Minho began poking at Yeonjun's sides, "Is it because you missed me too much?"

Yeonjun fidgeted as he tried his best to suppress the giggles that threatened to escape his lips.

Minho smirked at this and began to tickle him, "Come on! Talk to be Yeonjunnie!"

"No!" Yeonjun kicked frantically as he attempted to get Minho off of him, "No!"

Minho eventually let go of Yeonjun and stared at the younger, who still had kept his face hidden, "Hey."


"Look at me."

Yeonjun did not want to deal with Minho, but he knew if he didn't listen he would most likely start attacking him again, so he reluctantly rolled over. Minho took a minute to examine Yeonjun's face, he wasn't crying and neither his cheeks or eyes were red, but he could just tell something was off. Minho took a seat on the edge of the couch and attempted to pat Yeonjun's stomach, but hit him a bit harder than planned, which caused Yeonjun to flinch and kick the older. 

"What's wrong with you?" Yeonjun pouted as he pulled his knees to his chest to avoid anymore physical contact with the older.

"I-it was an accident!" Minho rubbed the back of his neck and they sat there for a few seconds before Minho remembered why he sat down in the first place, "What's bothering you kiddo?"

Yeonjun slowly cast his gaze to him, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb," Minho rolled his eyes, "Something is obviously on your mind."


"Choi Yeonjun stop lying to me," Minho demanded through gritted teeth, "I'm trying to be a good cousin so just tell me what's wrong."

Yeonjun let out a long sigh, "It's Soobin."

"Soobin? Again?" Minho tilted his head, "I haven't seen you constantly get upset over a person since your parents died." Yeonjun shifted, obviously uncomfortable with the sudden memory. "Sorry," Minho furrowed his brows, "What's going on with Soobin?"

"Well, it's not exactly Soobin."

"But you just said-"

"It's Soobin's dad," Yeonjun explained, "His Dad basically forbid me from going to their house again."

Minho widened his eyes, "What did you do?"

"Nothing!" Yeonjun snapped, "I did absolutely nothing and I got kicked out!" Yeonjun took a deep breath, "He just doesn't like me because of my past relationships."

"Well," Minho clicked his tongue, "Just hangout with Soobin outside of his house. It's not really a big deal."

Yeonjun glared at him, "It is a big deal! This is why I don't tell you anything."

Sugar, Please - Yeonjun x SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now