Chapter Seven

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"Hurry up!" I shout as I climb up the snowy hill

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"Hurry up!" I shout as I climb up the snowy hill. As I reach the top I see Edmund, but make no move to shout.

"Edmund!" Lucy shouts but I put a hand on her face.

"Shh! They'll hear us!" I growled, looking to the gates. Peter runs past me wanting to go after Edmund, but Mr. Beaver grabs him by the sleeve of his coat

"Get off me!" Peter grunts trying to pry him off. "We just can't let him go!" Peter stated with urgency.

"Don't you get it?! He's the bait! She wants all of ya in there! To kill ya!" Mister Beaver growled.

"This is all your fault! None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me in the first place!" Susan starts, putting all blame on Peter.

Peter looked to her shocked before arguing with her. "So you knew this would happen?"

"I didn't know what would happen..." Susan started.

"Stop, this fighting isn't going to help Edmund," Lucy and I said at the same time over the pair.

"Their right. Only Aslan can save him now." Mister Beaver stated.

"Then take us to him." Peter ordered. Mister Beaver nodded, before turning and running back towards the dam. All of us follow him, trudging through the snow, I stop as a howl goes shuddering through me. 

I whimper scared, as Peter grabs my hand and pulls me along. 'You'll be okay little one,' Aslan's voice whispers through. I sigh before running the same speed as Peter but not letting his hand go.

"Hurry Mum, they're after us!" Mister Beaver shouted as we barged into the dam.

"Right then..." Mrs Beaver said, grabbing a bag and starting to pack.

"What is she doing?" Susan asked.

"Don't worry, you'll thank you me later. It's a long journey and a beaver gets cranky when he's hungry." Mrs Beaver stated, a determined expression on her face.

"I'M CRANKY NOW!" Mister Beaver shouted.

"Do you think we should bring jam?" Susan asked, getting in on the packing with Mrs Beaver.

"Only if the Witch has toast." Peter and I said together before Mister Beaver motioned us towards a dark tunnel.

"Get in," Mister Beaver said hopping in first, followed by Mrs Beaver, Susan, Lucy, myself and Peter last who closes the hatch quickly.

"This should lead to Badgers place," Mister Beaver stated.

"I thought it lead to your mums!" Mrs Beaver questioned wide eyed and annoyed with her husband. Behind us I hear a thud and look to see Lucy had fallen Peter already coming to her aid. We all freeze as we feel a soft wind.

"They're in the tunnel!" Lucy whispers, terror in her eyes.

"You should have brought a map!" Mrs Beaver shouts as we all begin to run again.

"There was no room next to the jam!" Mister Beaver sasses. He jumps out of the hole. Everyone else follow. Once Peter gets out, Lucy falls on a bunch of stone things. Lucy gets up! They all see stone animals!

"He was my best mate!" Mister Beaver whimpers seeing his friend.

"What happened to them?" Susan asked.

"This is what happens to the enemies of the White Witch." A voice speaks up, Peter instantly pushing both Lucy and I behind him.

"Stand still there traitor." Mister Beaver growled.

"Relax, I'm one of the good guys," The Fox says, I look at the colours he wear's and I see the lion on his uniform.

"Well you look mighty like one of the bad guys." Mister Beaver growled.

"An unfortunate family resemblance, but we can discuss family breeding later right now we need to move." The Fox says with urgency. 

"What do you suggest?" I asked. The Fox smirks and looks up. "Really," I sigh before trudging over to the tree and started to climb. My sibling following as well as Mister and Mrs Beaver. As I climbed up I muttered about having to climb and sat my self onto a thick branch.  

The Fox stays on lower ground, The Beavers and my siblings are in a tree. I held my breath as the wolves break through the barrier and start to circle the Fox. "Evening gents, did we lose something?" The Fox says with a smirk on his face.

"Don't patronize me, I know where your allegiance lies. We are looking for some humans?" The Wolf growls.

"Humans in Narnia, now that's some valuable information," The Fox says with a tilt of his head, looking at the wolves, a smirk on his face.

"Where are they?!" The wolf shouts as one of his other wolf buddies lunge and grips the fox in his teeth. Lucy cries out, Peter is quick to quieten her, the Fox looks around hopelessly, and then hangs his head in shame.

"They, they, were heading North." He sighs.

"Quickly, smell them out." The wolf orders, and the one holding The Fox casts him aside where he now lays whimpering in pain.

We all climb down quickly, I myself was first to reach the Fox. I picked him up gently and carried him over to Mrs Beaver who motioned for me to set him down gently. I did just that and she begun to work on his wounds.

"Are you all right?" Lucy asked after a few moments.

"Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite." He chuckled. I see him wince in pain; a yelp leaves him as Mrs Beaver does something.

"Stop squirming! You're worse than beaver on bath day," She grunts annoyed.

"Worst day of the year," Mister Beaver mutters, trying to lighten the situation.

"Well I am afraid that is all the healing I have time for." The Fox says standing up with a wince.

"You're leaving?" I asked.

"It has been a pleasure my Priestess. I have been asked by Aslan himself to gather more troops." The Fox says with pride as he puffs his chest slightly.

"You've seen Aslan!" Mister Beaver asked in shock.

"What is he like?" Mrs Beaver questioned.

"Like everything we have ever heard. He'll be a good help fighting the White Witch," he says a softness in his eyes about speaking of Aslan.

"We are not planning on fighting any witch," Susan says shocked at their audacity to continue on about them fighting.

"Surely King Peter..." The Fox says, looking to our eldest brother.

"We just want to get our brother back." Peter whispered, the fox looks down in sadness and I felt my heart ache.

The Fox nodded and turned to leave but, in my heart, I knew we could not go, we couldn't leave, we had to fight. "Wait!" I called as I ran over to the fox who stared at me with slight confusion. "I will fight with Aslan, and I will bring back the peace in Narnia, and if they won't help me, then I will surely do it on my own," I spoke as I placed my hand on his injury. "Sana tuam injuriam," I spoke and my eyes flashed gold the injury now but a memory.

"Thank you, Priestess," The Fox said with a smile on his face, hope filling his eyes. 

"I will be the light that guides the Narnian's through this darkest night," I whispered and he nods gratefully, before leaving quickly. I avoided my siblings apart from Lucy, Mister and Mrs Beaver. I knew my destiny and I was willing to follow it. With or without my brothers and sisters.

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