Chapter Eight

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The army, led by Peter and Caspian, return

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The army, led by Peter and Caspian, return. Caspian holding onto me. Lucy glanced at me in horror and runs over to me she brings the cordial up to my lips and drops some into my mouth.

"What happened?" Lucy asked looking to me for answers. I was about to answer when Peter spoke up.

"Ask him."

"Peter." Susan sighed not wanting another fight.

"Me? You could have called it off. There was still time."

"No there wasn't thanks to you. If you'd kept to the plan, my sister wouldn't have almost died."

"And, if you'd just stayed here like I suggested, she definitely wouldn't be almost speaking to Death!"

"You called us, remember?"

"My first mistake."

"No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people." Peter scowls as he looks Caspian up and down.

"Hey! I am not the one who abandoned Narnia." Caspian shouted making me flinch in pain, the memories racing through my head. The spell hurting me more then I realised.

"You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to it than Miraz does! You, him, your father... Narnia's better off without the lot of you!" Peter shouted. Caspian shouts, and they both draw their swords. I growled having enough of this.

"Stop!" I shouted as raw power spurted from hands, the red still flying around me, the anger, the pain, and the fear. "I am sick and tired of you two acting like three-year-old's. This is both your fault, if you had listened, if you had seen that this isn't how things should be done, none of this would have happened!" I shouted as my whole being shook in anger.

"Your right," Peter said looking at me a rage in his eyes. "It's your fault we left that day, you told us about the white stag, this is your fault. What happened here is all on you," Peter growled pointing towards me. Everyone stood frozen by Peter's words, I just stared before finally sighing and letting a smile glide across my face. Edmund had come forward and saw my face.

"Crescent," Edmund whispered before watching my body slump a little.

"There it is," I sang in sing-song voice. "The blame, I've been waiting for it, all this year, I've been waiting for it," I whispered. "You think I don't already blame myself?" I questioned laughing with the tears filling my eyes as I walked in front of Peter. "Aslan knows, why because he feels everything I feel, Edmund knows because he knew how much I loved Narnia how much it was my real home, but where were you, where was my older brother where were my sisters, my twin." I continued staring him down as I gave him a short laugh.

"Where was my big brother who treated me like I was the greatest thing in this world, oh that's right he became jealous that I was a higher rank then him, and that I took him away from his throne," I whispered, pointing to him as the scarring on my neck appeared, the other scars appearing as well, littered across my body. Burn marks appearing on my face, my eyes shadowed, dead they were, my eyes felt dead, scars littered across my face, dry blood sticking to me, my bones showing through. "Now you know, now you know that even the deep magic blames me, blames me for the death and the destruction of Narnia," I whispered, a sad smile crossing my face, my voice raspy, and with that last little smile, my lips cracked and blood slipped down my face as everyone stared in shock, Peter shaking in fear, in sadness as I shoved past him and into the Howe. "Guess you got your wish!" I shouted as I laughed manically my tears falling quickly down my face as I relived the pain. I felt Aslan's presence and it helped some, but I was still in so much pain.

I walked to the back and sat my back against the wall, looking dead. "Crest," I heard Edmund whisper. I looked into his teary eyes as he looked at the scar. "You know I don't like this; you know it scares me," Edmund whispered as he put his hand to the scar, softly caressing it.

"I know I'm sorry," I whispered as tears feel from my eyes. As the illusion appeared covering my wounds.

"You're okay, remember your home now, none of this is your fault, you didn't know we had to go back." Edmund whispered as he sat next to me.

"I know, but it hurt," I whispered. "They cut his head off, and this happened, it still hurts every day," I whispered as the image of Mister Tumnus being executed came to my mind. "Every death, I felt, because the deep magic blames me for leaving," I sobbed loudly. I screamed loudly, and everyone heard, the Howe shaking from my magic. "I felt everything!" I shouted as Edmund brought me into a tight hug, I gasped for breath as the horror of their deaths hit me. "I couldn't save them, I failed them," I whispered.

The time went by and soon the tears stopped falling as Edmund kept me close to him and the time just continued to move forward, and I gasped as I felt such horrid magic rise. The Witches magic. "Caspian!" I shouted as I got up and ran towards the stone table room.

"Wait... this isn't what I wanted!" I hear Caspian shout in fear.

"One drop of Adam's blood and you free me. Then I am yours, my king." I heard the witch whisper.

"No!" Caspian shouted. I watch the werewolf grab Caspian's hand, and the hag cuts it. The White Witch sticks her hand out of the ice. She smiles. Caspian looks at the Witch... and then seems to stop resisting.

"Stop!" I shouted, Caspian shook his head and looked back to me as Peter, Edmund and Trumpkin came in from behind me. The werewolf crawls over the Stone Table and attacks. Nikabrik and Trumpkin swordfight. The hag knocks Peter's sword out of his hand. Edmund swings at the werewolf. The werewolf howls. Nikabrik stands over Trumpkin, but Lucy comes up and puts her dagger to Nikabrik throat. Nikabrik twists Lucy's arm around and throws her to the floor. Peter kicks the hag into a pillar, and she falls. Edmund runs away, turns back, and hits the werewolf. Nikabrik looks at Lucy and hesitates, and then Trumpkin stabs him in the back. The Witch keeps reaching towards Caspian.

I run towards Caspian and push him behind me. "Stop," I ordered, and the Witch went back. "Get away from him!" I growl.

"Crescent dear... I have missed you. Come, just one drop." She whispered to me as she leans forward.

"You forgot something Jadis. I don't fall for anyone's charms, especially yours, by the order of the heir of Narnia I condemn you to death!" I growled as my eyes flashed gold and the ice cracks; Edmunds sword lit with a bright gold flame. The ice shatters, Caspian, and Peter fly back as I stand tall my face filled with a rage. Edmund steps over to me, placing his hand on my cheek. He smiles as I smile at him, with a final nod he walks away. I look at Aslan's carving. 'Do you see what has happened, I keep failing you, I'm sorry.'

I take a breath in as I feel Aslan's pride with me and smile softly. I never failed they have. I look to the two boys, my brother, stares at me in sadness as I flicker back to what I really look like before the illusion is back. The boy I have fallen for, Caspian, stares at me in regret. "You both are not ready to rule, both of you have failed Aslan." I whispered, as I turned and walk away leaving the pair there, Susan and Lucy by my side.  

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