Chapter 10

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Now that Poison Rose had been revealed, the guild was ready to storm the place. Kicking open two large doors, Fairy Tail crowded the before mentioned dark guild. Poison Rose paid no mind to their attempts to be menacing. "I demand you return Juvia Lockser at once!" Master yelled, making the guild hall grow silent.

"I'm afraid we can't do that." A random Poison Rose member threatened. "Is that a threat?" Erza yelled menacingly. "So what if it is?"
Another dark guild member taunted, standing up. "DAMMIT! Let Juvia go, NOW!" Gajeel screamed, ready to bust them up. It was all too suddenly when all-out chaos went out. Guild fighting guild. "Requip: heaven's wheel armor!" Erza shouted, attacking a dark guild member at will. Amongst the chaos, master's voice was heard. "Go children!" Master shouted. Team Natau + Gajeel gave a nod and ran through the crowd and easily up the stairs,

But there would be much more to come.


Walking through the adorned velvet hallway, gray began.,. Thinking. 'What if Juvia's already dead?' He questioned. A pained look spread across his face. Just thinking about Juvia being harmed made his blood boil for some reason. Gray clenched his fists. There was NO WAY he'd let Juvia die. Not on his watch. Lucy had noticed his pained expression. "Gray? You ok?" She asked, concerned.

Gray snapped out of his thoughts. "...yeah." Meh answered hesitantly. "I know this is hard on you, but be strong. For Juvia, ok?" Wendy chimed in, offering Gray a sympathetic smile. "Alright..." Gray responded. Gajeel had said absolutely nothing at all. He looked like he was about to kill someone. Natsu's fists burned With flames. "Where are those bastards?" Natsu growled.

"I don't know." Wendy said. "Wherever they are, we'll beat them." Erza glowered.

A figure approached the group. He was at the far end of the hallway, as he came closer. The group made themselves in a fighting stance. As arrived with great suspicioun. He had auburn hair, and red eyes that matches Erza's exact hair color. He wore a metal chest plate, dirtied white pants, and sandals. "I am Larkin. You will NOT proceed any further." Larkin threatened. "You wanna go?!?!" Natsu and Gajeel yelled at the same time. Larkin wasted no time. With a swift movement, Natsu was flung backwards with a force of wind. "So your a wind wizard, eh? Gihi. More fun for me." Gajeel taunted. "IRON DRAGON IRIN ROAR!" He shouted, making the opponent stumble backwards. Larkin still held his ground.

"A worthy foe." He growled. "Go on ahead! We'll take care of this guy!" Nasty smirked. "FIRE DRAGON FLAMING FIST!!" Natsu struck Larkin. Without wasting any time, Wendy, Gray, Erza, and Lucy ran on. They were going to need the extra help anyway.

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