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'Hey, Bay here. I heard you wanted to call me.'

'Oh hey. Yes I thought that we could talk a little but. Maybe I could come over?'

'Sure. I will wait here for you.'

'Okay. I will be there in 20.'

'Yep. See you later.'


Whatever he is going to tell me. I really wasn't in the mood. The date was beautiful. No it was perfect. But after things like that I want my own time so that I can think about things. I cleaned my room a little bit. I hate it when people see my messy room. That is always embarrassing. After a while I heard the door bell ringing. I opened the door and Cameron was standing there like I expected it.

We walked into my room. We sat on my couch.

"I wanted to talk with you about some serious stuff." Cam said.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't wanted to hear serious stuff. The most serious stuff makes me sad.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"I don't want you to make me sad. I just had the best time of my life I think." I said a little bit daydreaming.

"Oh really? What happened?" Cam asked me.

"I had a date with Nash and now we are a couple." I said blushing.

"Oh really ..." Cameron said fiddling with his jacket. He was nervous. I always see it when someone is nervous. "Then I think I am going to make you mad."

"Why? Is it about Nash?" I asked. What was he going to tell me. I was getting nervous too. I wanted to know it but on the other hand I didn't want it to know.

"Nash ... he is having another girl." Cam said looking at his jacket on his lap. "But I didn't told you that!"

I didn't answered. A tear rolled down my cheek. I tried to cover it. I hate crying in front of other people. Why was he cheating on me?

"Why?" I asked sniffing.

"I don't know. Maybe he ..." Cam said but I interrupted him, "I don't want to know. I can imagine what he wants." I said.

He wants a pretty perfect girl. So that he always is having someone to fuck with.

Cameron began to rub my back. I was getting angry, sad. All my emotions came up. I thought that I could trust him. He was always so nice to me and now he is cheating on me. Since ... I don't know, maybe for months.

I gave Cam a look that he should go. I wanted to be alone.

He left my room. I decided to text Nash. Our short one day relationship is over.

TO NASH: I don't know why you did this to me but it is over! I h8 u :(((((

FROM NASH: What? What did I do?


Shawn walked into my room. He sat down next to me. I laid my head on his chest while he was fondling my head. Shawn always understands me. Without any dumb questions he is just there for me.

He carried me into my bed. He covered the blanket over me. I pulled the blanket over my face.

"Nah. Don't cover up your pretty face." Shawn said pulling the blanket back from my face.

That made me giggle. I looked horrible now. My face is black.

"So what's wrong?" Shawn asked me with a caring voice.

I sniffed a while.

"He cheated on me." I said. Crying again because of these words.

"Nash? What?" He asked confused.

I nodded and washed more tears away.

I could see that Shawn was getting a little bit aggressive. That was cute. He always protects me. He left my room.


I left Bay's room. What is this idiot thinking who he is? No one is cheating on my sister, on my best friend.

I left the house. Making my way to Nash's house. If he is not at home I'll burn his house. Maybe.

I knocked at his house door. A few times.

Nash opened the door.

"Oh hey Sha-" he said but I interrupted him with a punch in his stomach. I pushed him back.

"What's wrong? Why did yo-" I interrupted him again with a punch in his face. Nash tried to stand up but I punched a few more times in his face. Just a few more times. Finally I saw the blood. Nash couldn't do anything against me. He was knocked out.

"Never hurt my little sister again ..." I mumbled.

His face was full with blood. And he had a lot of scars and bruises now. That looked good. Good to see him like that.

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