Chapter - Thirteen (Haven)

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As soon as Danny left, a feeling of loneliness swept over me. I knew it was stupid for this to happen, I had been alone in the dorm countless times, but something just seemed… off. It was only late afternoon, but it was already becoming dark. I stood up and switched on all the lights, making sure the door was securely locked while I was up. I took my seat back on the couch, and curled my knees to my chest.

The sound of trees scraping against the living room window, like sharp finger nails against a chalk board was unnerving, and I felt myself shudder just a little bit. I needed to calm down. The boys wouldn’t be gone long, they would stay on the school property to hunt, just a phone call away. I convinced myself that there was no reason to worry, and turned on the TV for a distraction. Nothing was on, so I settled for some cartoon. It started to rain, and I had to turn the volume up to block the sound of rain drops pelting the window. The sound of the TV was starting to soothe me, when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of black. I didn’t know what it was, but it was enough to put me on alert.

To top things off, at that moment the power flickered on and off until finally blacking out completely, leaving the room in absolute darkness. Great freaking timing. Can you say… horror movie? Without the sound of the TV, the only sound I could hear was the rain on the window pane. This definitely was a cause to call Danny and the others. I reached for my phone on the table, but my hand came back empty. I reached again, feeling around for it, but my phone was gone.

Fear started to overcome me, and I tried to clear my head. The boys will be back any minute. It’s only Damian, and Damian didn’t want me dead. But something told me is wasn’t Damian; it was something much, much worse. A shiver ran down my spine and I took a huge breath, letting it out slowly. I couldn’t let my fear take over.

“Haven…” something whispered in the darkness. I didn’t know who or what it was; only that it wasn’t human and it sure as hell wasn’t good. Something was in the dorm, something evil. My only solution was to get out. I stood up off the couch and felt my way towards the door. I was trying to be as quiet as I could be, but my heavy, frantic breathing was sure to give me away. I wished that Aaron, or any of the boys were here. They would know what to do, they wouldn’t be afraid. But something in my mind doubted it, whatever this thingwas, I was sure it would be enough to scare anyone. I could even picture Damian being anxious.

I reached the door, unlocking it. I frantically turned the door knob. And then I turned it again. It wouldn’t open. I felt the lock, making sure that it was unlocked. It was. But the door wouldn’t budge. Something or someone was blocking the door from opening. By this time, I was so terrified I was shaking, and I clasped my hands together to steady myself. I needed a plan B. The Window, a voice in the back of my head told me. I thought it over. Even if I could unlock the window and open it, the dorm was on the second floor of the school. It was possible that I could jump onto a tree and climb down, but I wasn’t a good climber to start with and the rain would make the trees slippery. But it was worth a try.

I made my way towards the window as quietly as I could, not wanting the thing in the dorm to hear me. It probably already knew where I was, but I still tried to take precautions. When I reached the kitchen I stepped on a squeaky floor board and froze, praying silently that the thing wouldn’t hear me. I had no idea where it was now, and I couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or if it was bad. I continued to tiptoe through the kitchen, until I felt soft carpet under me and sighed.

The walk from kitchen to the living room was much less unnerving than the one from the front door through the kitchen, as there were less things that I could’ve knocked over. I reached the window, and like the door, it wouldn’t open. I desperately tried to force it open, but I knew it was hopeless.

I felt something behind me, hot breath on my neck. I didn’t have time to even turn around before all I felt was pain. And then, if possible, my world became even blacker.

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