Chapter - Thirty (Danny)

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Haven and Emily made us go shopping. For four freaking hours. It wouldn’t have been so bad, except for Aaron and Ryan kept bitching the whole time. I didn’t really mind shopping, but there is only so much ‘Bath and Body Works’ and ‘H&M’ a guy can handle. Emily made it worth it though. I don’t know why she was so special, but she captivated me.

“Can I get you anything to drink?” The waitress asked us. We were sitting on a patio outside of a small café. We went around giving our orders, and we were once again left alone.

“What’s wrong, Ryan?” Haven asked with an amused expression. Ryan had been pouting from where he was sitting.

“I hate shopping.”

“You’re still complaining about that?” Emily laughed. I liked the sound of her laugh.

“You must have enjoyed it a little bit.” I pointed out.

“Well, ‘Victoria’s Secret’ wasn’t so bad.” Ryan winked at Haven. “I think I might have even found my Christmas present for you.” Emily scoffed but Haven just rolled her eyes.

“He’s always like this.” Haven said, and Emily nodded understandingly.

“That makes sense.” Emily said. “So Haven my friend, what’s it like living with these three studs.” Emily was joking, but I still felt my cheeks turn red at the comment. What was happening to me? This was not okay.

“Well it depends on the day.” Haven joked. “Honestly it’s awesome. I freaked out at first though.”

“Well I know that. You called me remember?” Emily said. “Well actually you probably don’t. That was way-back-when before you started not calling me back…” Emily play glared at Haven.

“I’m sorry! You try going to a boarding school. I get busy.” Haven explained.

“Mmhmm. Whatever. Oh! But that reminds me, I’m coming to New York to visit you over Christmas break.” Emily said, and Haven’s jaw dropped. As did mine, Aaron’s and Ryan’s. This might pose a little problem to the whole vampire issue. Not to mention the whole something-is-trying-to-kill-Haven issue. But despite all that, I felt myself overcome with joy at the thought of seeing Emily again. Oh God, I was losing my mind.

At that moment the waitress came back, holding a huge tray of food. I never understood how they did that, I was certain that I would spill everything if I had to. And that’s with me being a vampire. She passed around our plates, and I was definitely excited to eat my sandwich. Although it was nothing compared to blood, I was a sucker for turkey sandwiches. Ha, sucker. I’m so punny.

“Who doesn’t give you a spoon with soup?” Haven looked down at her bowl skeptically and sighed. “I’m going to go inside real quick to get one.”

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