Chapter - Twenty Five (Danny)

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I tried, really hard, not to look out the window. Who was the idiot who even thought to put windows on a freakin plane? It’s scary enough just knowing you are thousands of feet in the air, you don’t need to see it too. I hate planes. They are unnatural. Ha, unnatural. Like me.

The only decent part about this plane ride was that we had first class seats, courtesy of Haven’s mother. I was sitting between Haven and Aaron, and Ryan was across the aisle from Haven. They had brought us food to eat, but I was just sipping on my water, trying not to hyperventilate. How did planes even stay up in the air anyways…?

“I’m boreddd.” Ryan whined, drawing out the last word.

“Eat your food.” Haven said, without looking away from her book.

“I did.” He grumbled. Sure enough when I looked over he had eaten his whole sandwich. And then mine. How could he eat so much? “And I don’t even like food.”

Haven ignored him, and just kept on reading. Ryan, being the little attention whore he is, grabbed the book from her hands.

“Ryan!” Haven gasped, but Ryan just smirked. As he skimmed the page Haven had been reading, his eyes turned from amused, to horrified.

“What the hell is this?” He asked, still looking shocked.

“A romance novel…” Haven said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“No. Just no. This is not a romance novel. This is pretty much soft-core porn.” Haven rolled her eyes at that, but otherwise remained silent.

“Wait a second… is this book about vampires?” And with that, Ryan started cracking up, almost to the point of tears. Haven blushed bright red. “Haven, if you wanted vampire romance, all you had to do was ask.” He winked, and Haven reached across the aisle to slap him hard on the arm. Poor Ryan, he was always getting hit. Then again, he always deserved it.

“Are you okay, Danny?” Haven asked me, looking concerned.

“He’s afraid of planes.” Aaron answered for me, and all I could do was nod. “He’s probably freaking out because he is close to the window.”

“Here, switch with me, you can have the aisle seat.” Haven suggested, and I gave her a grateful nod. We switched seats as fast as we could seeing as how planes are always awkwardly small. I thanked God that I wasn’t claustrophobic too. That would really suck. When we were finally in our new seats, Haven was sitting next to Aaron and I got the pleasure of being stuck next to Ryan.

“Wanna play a game little bro?” He asked me, and I raised an eyebrow. I didn’t always like Ryan’s ‘games’.

“What game?” I asked, skeptically.

“War.” Ryan stated. Of course, that was his favorite card game, besides poker. I hated it, it never ended.

“That game takes forever.” I complained, but knew I would probably be suckered in to playing anyways.

“That’s kinda the point, Danny boy. This is a long ass flight.”

“It’s six hours.”

“And it’s only been like two.” he whined.

“It’s been thirty minutes.” I shook my head at him, laughing. “But fine, I will play your stupid game.” And so the game of War begun. And then continued. Then went on some more. This was one of those games that no one ever wins, and even if someone actually does, hours have passed. After awhile, I even tried to lose; I just wanted this damn game to end already.

I put down my cards absentmindedly, my mind wandering off to other things. I realized that Haven and Aaron had been awfully quiet over the past couple hours. When I looked over, I saw why. Haven was asleep, her head resting on Aaron’s shoulder, and he was looking down at her. There was something in his gaze that made me think that he had feelings for her. Deep feelings. I knew it. I totally called that. Hopefully Ryan wouldn’t be too disappointed. And hopefully there would be no fighting over her, I wasn’t sure who would win.

With a small ding the seatbelt light turned on and I groaned. Landing was definitely my least favorite part. I just assured myself that in a couple of minutes I would be on the ground again, and closed my eyes. It was a bumpy descent onto the runway of the San Francisco International Airport, and I nearly jumped with joy once it was over and we were all safe once again.

“Thank you for choosing American Airlines, welcome to California.”

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