Chapter - Twenty (Haven)

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“Where are we going?” I asked Damian, as I stared at New York City from the passenger seat window of his way-too-nice car.

“Don’t worry about it, I know a place.”

“That’s probably something you shouldn’t go around telling people, Damian. Most guys don’t brag about the fact that they are dress-shopping experts.” I gave him a pointed look, and he just started to glare, without even turning to look at me. We rode in silence for about another ten minutes, before he made a sharp turn, landing us in a parking lot to a discreet-looking building.

The building appeared to be a warehouse, and its dark grey cement walls gave it an ominous feeling. We got out of the car, and I hesitated before following Damian towards the door.

“So, do you think we are going to get murdered before or after I get a dress? I really hate clothes shopping so before would be awesome.”

Damian rolled his eyes, but didn’t say anything else. The parking lot was a lot bigger than I had originally thought, and as we made the long walk through it, I looked at the cars we were passing by. And they were definitely nice cars. There was nothing as nice as Damian’s car, of course, but I didn’t think I had ever seen so many Lamborghinis in my life. I eyed a large black Escalade as we walked by it.

“I love Escalades.” I said, staring enviously at the large truck.

You like Escalades?” Damian asked me, sounding almost surprised.

“Is that a bad thing?”

“No, I just thought that the only people who actually liked those things were professional basketball players and mafia bosses.”

“And me apparently.”

“I guess so. I’ll buy you one someday.” I looked at his face, trying to tell if he was joking or not. I couldn’t.

“Buying me an Escalade isn’t going to make me like you any more, Damian.”

“Maybe, but it might help.” He smirked, and it was my turn to roll my eyes. All thoughts of Escalades were forgotten though, as we finally made our way through the door. I had definitely been wrong about this place. The first thing I saw when I walked in was… white. Everything was white. It was like a department store on crack. In fact, I noticed it was a department store. Only a really, really high class one. And the people walking around weren’t human.

“Damian, is everyone here a vampire?” I asked, starting to get nervous. I didn’t think I was supposed to be here.

“Yes, but don’t worry, you’re with me.” he winked, and I didn’t feel any less better about the situation. The place was bustling with people, all of which had the same winter skin and silvery eyes that the boys had. They also moved faster than most humans, instead of walking they seemed to be gliding around the store. Everyone was dressed incredibly nice, and I felt way out of place here.

We were on the first floor, which seemed to be the place to buy accessories, hats, purses and perfumes. In the middle of the floor were two giant escalators, and above them hung a huge crystal chandelier. White leather couches were littered throughout the room, and busy sales people rushed to meet customers’ needs.

“Ah, Damian. I didn’t think I would be seeing you here for awhile.” An intimidating woman said as she walked up to us. She was young, maybe in her early twenties, and very pretty. The way she was looking at Damian made me think that they might have had a thing once upon a time. “What have we here?”

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