Chapter - Thirty Two (Aaron)

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“Thank you.” Haven said to me as we laid in her bed that night. Instead of laying on our backs, this time we faced each other, I rested my head on the crook of my arm.

“Why are you thanking me?” I said, a small smile creeping onto my face.

“For saving my life.”

“Ha. I didn’t save your life.” If anything, I felt almost bad for what happened today. I was afraid I had scared Haven away from me. But then I remembered the look on that asshole’s face as he was about to hit her, and I knew I had done the right thing. No girl deserved that, especially not Haven. Thankfully she didn’t seem scared of me, in fact she almost seemed to like me more since I had protected her.

“It was pretty close to it.” She told me, and I cocked an eyebrow; one of my favorite moves. “Don’t give me that look. You really did save me.”

“Perhaps. What was the story behind that?” I asked, I was really starting to enjoy these late night talks with Haven, every time I felt like I was getting closer to her. And I really enjoyed it. There was something about Haven that was different. She was special.

“He’s just my ex.” She said.

“Mmhmm. Just an ex that tries to hit you?” I pushed.

“Actually he would have hit me if it wasn’t for you going all powerful-god on him.”

“Don’t change the subject.”

“Fine,” she sighed. “I broke up with him about a month before I left for New York. We had dated for about six months and the whole time he was way over protective and controlling of me. At first I didn’t notice it, I was too caught up over finally being in a serious relationship. But then things started getting really creepy. I could tell he was getting closer and closer to becoming abusive every day. Today wasn’t the first time he tried to hit me. Luckily I managed to stop him the first time and after that was when I left him. He didn’t take it very well, as you saw today.” This was a lot of information for me to handle. I found out more and more about Haven every day. I couldn’t believe anyone could ever do that to her. I found myself wishing that I would have known her sooner, so I could have saved her before it ever got that far.

“What about you?” She asked, moving the conversation away from her.

“What do you mean what about me?” I asked confused.

“Do you have any crazy exes I should know about? Did you date at all after you lost your wife?” she asked it cautiously, as if she was afraid it would be a touchy subject for me. It wasn’t, but she had no way of knowing that.

“I did date a witch once.”

“Really?!” She exclaimed, and I laughed at the expression on her face.

“No.” She hit me, which only made me laugh harder. “Honestly I haven’t dated at all. I haven’t found anyone I felt that way about.” Until now, I added in my head, not daring to say it out loud.

“I see.” She said. “I never thought that the two of us would be laying in bed discussing relationships together.” Haven mused and I chuckled.

“I agree completely.”

“I thought you hated me when you first met me.” She reflected, and I thought back to the first day I had met her.

“I didn’t hate you.”

“Really?” Haven seemed disbelieving.

“I just hated the idea of you, really. You definitely posed a threat to all of us. I was afraid of what you would do if you ever found out our secret. I was glad when my fears proved unnecessary. I was surprised how well you handled the news.”

“Yeah well, it made sense. And I knew I had no reason to be afraid of you three. I have trusted you guys from the start.” That made me happy, knowing Haven trusted me. I smiled. She yawned, and I realized I was pretty tired too.

“We’ve gotten pretty lucky.” I mumbled.

“Mm?” Haven wondered, she already had her eyes closed.

“You haven’t been attacked once since we have been here.”

“That’s because I have my big bad protector with me.” She said before drifting off to sleep. I fell asleep not long after, with a smile on my face.

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