Ch.1// Tall Guy Has A Crush

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I saw that tall, gangly kid with the red jacket, walking outside. He always got the same thing, and he came in everyday at the same time. I went to get his pepperoni Stromboli, but he came in looking disheartened.
I wanted to ask what was wrong, but it wasn't any of my business, so I decided not to.
"Um, just some breadsticks and a sweet tea."
W-wait what?
He looked up at me from his phone.
Oh shoot, I said that out loud.
"Oh, just... 'cause you always get the pepperoni Stromboli, guess I just wasn't expecting you to say that."
He half-smiled, and looked back down at his phone.
I went and wrapped up a couple breadsticks, and a sweet tea. When I came back, he was talking to some small girl, picking her stuff up off the ground.
He smiled at her and she blushed.
Hee hee, tall guy has a crush.
I put his stuff on the counter for him after she left. He looked at me, and raised an eyebrow when I smirked at him.
I shrugged. "Oh just, tall guy has a crush."
He went red.
I laughed and pointed to where the girl was just standing.
"Oh! You think I like Christine? No, she's just a friend."
"Sure." I rolled my eyes and rung him up.
Before leaving, he turned around and looked at me.
"Why do you call me tall guy?"
I laughed.
"Looked in a mirror recently? Also, pretty much everyone is taller than me."
"Yah but... hm. My name is Jake. Dillinger."
He stuck his hand out to me.
Huh, I think I've heard that name.
I shook his hand.
"Y/N L/N."
He smiled wider and walked away.
Nice guy. I think I'll have to find him when I get to school.

Jake's POV
I walked out of Sbarro, holding my breadsticks and sweet tea cup.
I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.
Y/N. That's a pretty name.
And she remembered what I order everyday.
Has she really never heard of me before?
I saw her everyday when I went into Sbarro. She was always just, the tiny girl who wore her hat weird. But now she has a name.
"Y/N." I said aloud.
I loved how that sounded when I said it.
Shoot I have to get home and plan my party.


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