Ch.5// Escape

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Dustin's POV
I was hanging out with Madeleine at her house, and it wasn't as fun as I thought it was going to be. She's not very interesting.
"And now everyone thinks I'm a slut! But I'm not, I promise!"
She pleaded, dragging her fingers down my arm. I gulped.
Oh my lord this girl is irritating. Why did I even come here?
Then my phone buzzed. I laughed uncomfortably and held up a finger, telling her to wait a sec.
I pulled out my phone and got a spam text from Jenna Rollen.
Desperate for an excuse to get out of here, I opened it, ready to pretend it was something very important.
But then I read the message.
Fire at Jake Dillinger's Halloween party tonight!! Tell EVERYBODY!!
I read the message in horror as my brain clicked.
"Y/N." I mumbled.
I grabbed my jacket off the couch, making very hasty goodbyes to Madeleine, and sprinting out to my car.
I tried calling Y/N but she wasn't picking up.
"Shit shit shit shit..."
I tried calling Jake but he didn't pick up either.
I called Rich.
I even called Jeremy in a desperate attempt.
I called Rox. (Like the DEH book)
He picked up.
"ROX!! Hey, are you at the party? What happened?"
"Dude it was crazy! Rich set Jake's house on fire!!"
I gripped the steering wheel harder.
"Why? Was he drunk?"
"I don't know dude, he didn't touch a drop of alcohol or drugs the WHOLE time!"
That doesn't make any sense.
"Okay man. Thanks."
I pulled up to the street and saw the fire blazing.
"Wow that a big fire."
I stopped my car and jumped out, running to the front lawn. It was full of kids, some climbing in cars, some crying and screaming.
Then I saw Jake Dillinger.
He was sitting on the ground, yelling in pain, holding his legs.
"Jake! What happened?!"
"I *wince* had to get *groan* Rich out but I *huff* fell *wince*."
He pointed up to a piece of the roof, broken off.
"Where's Y/N? Is she okay?"
"I don't know *wince* I haven't seen her since I got *huff* sober."
I searched frantically for her, screaming her name and standing on cars.
Finally I saw her...
In the worst spot ever.
I looked up to one of the balconies in the back...
And saw her pressed up against some French doors, screaming and pounding on the glass.
"Y/N!! Oh my god oh my god what do I do?"
I tried throwing rocks to break the window, but there was too much smoke. She passed out.
"NO!! Y/N!"
I heard sirens behind me and turned to see ambulances and fire trucks.
They ran to where I was pointing and told me to calm down.
How the hell am I supposed to do that?

*time skip*

Someone was carrying me. I opened my eyes, and it was a fireman.
Oh thank god.
The flames engulfing the wall and the floors was overbearing.
"I don't want to die."
The fireman looked down at me.
"You won't."
It was obvious though, he was having trouble looking for a path out. I wrapped my arms around him tighter, scared for my life.
"Please I don't want to die."
"You won't, you wont. You're going to be okay."
I knew that, but I still couldn't stop the words from coming from my mouth.
"I don't want to die."
He just sighed and held me tighter, suddenly sprinting full forced.
I felt the cold air punch me in the face. The clean, smoke free atmosphere attacking me.
"I don't want to die."
It's like someone snapped my brain and that's all I could say. I don't know why.
I heard a scream behind me that sounded like Dustin.
There was a big green tree, in the front yard.
I could still smell the smoke.
I felt the grass pricking my arms.
I was going to throw up.
Then everything went black.


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