Ch.9// Cast Comes Off

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Jake's POV
As I took in my surrounds, I couldn't help but travel back. The insanely white walls, the smell of disinfectant, the sad people sitting in the lobbies.
The hospital truly was a dreary place.
But no today it wasn't.
Y/N wheeled me into an office, and I wore a bright smile on my face.
"Hello Mr.Dillinger, you excited?"
"Yep! Finally getting these stupid things off!"
I laid a hand on my casts. I felt Y/N hand ruffle my hair and I heard her giggle.
They sat me down on the table and propped one of my legs up.
They started up the saw, and went to work.

*time skip*

I watched as Jake stared at his legs in awe. The two things he had not seen in weeks, one of his staples, his long legs.
He tried to stand up, but wobbled and almost fell over. I jumped up and caught him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
"Sorry, I just haven't walked in a while."
He chuckled.
I smiled and sang, "Cause we've got a golden ticket!"
He laughed.
"I've got a golden ticket!"
The doctor rolled her eyes and walked out for a minute, while we sang and danced.
I held onto my waist and looked down at me. I almost forgot just how tall he was, how he earned his infamous nickname.
I missed it.
"I missed you Tall Guy."
He smiled and kissed me, sending shivers down my spine. I had to stand on my toes to reach him.
He held me close to his body, I'm pretty sure mostly for balance, but also it was sweet.
I ran my hands through his hair, and felt him smirk against my lips.
I opened my eyes and he was looking at me, the deep blue of his gaze pooling into my heart.
"I love you Y/N." He whispered, making me blush.
"I love you too."

*time skip*

We were driving back to my house, and Jake grabbed the AUX cord, plugging his phone in.
"What are you playing?"
He smirked on turned on "I've Got A Golden Ticket". I laughed and we sung along.
"Seriously, that guy couldn't stand two seconds ago and now he singing and dancing?!"
I laughed at Jake's outburst.
I felt my phone buzz and I looked down to see someone calling me. I reached down to grab it and Jake snatched my phone from my hand.
"Nope, no phones while you're driving."
"Fine then you answer it."
He obliged.
"Hello, um Y/N is driving right now and can't answer the phone."
Jake sat there listening for a moment, before smiling.
"Okay, thanks I'll tell her."
He hung up.
"What was that about?"
"Oh they just want you home like, right now."
I raised an eyebrow.
"Yah, that was your dad."
I froze, slamming on brakes.
"Your... dad?"
No that... that's impossible.
"He... can't- t-that couldn't have been... are you sure?"
He looked thoroughly terrified now.
"I'm positive. Y/N what's wrong?"
"My dad left us 5 years ago after attacking my mom. We haven't seen him since."
That's when it hit me.
My mom was still at home.
"Holy shit." I mumbled.
I hit the gas, almost positive I was going over the speed limit.
Jake held onto the console and the door for dear life. I had to help my mom.
I swerved into the drive way and was about to jump out, when Jake grabbed my arm.
"What do you think you're doing?!"
I tried pushing him off, but failing.
"I have to help my mom! Get off!"
He grabbed my other arm, forcing me to look at him.
"Hey, you are not going on there. That man is dangerous, and I don't want anything to happen to you."
The look of hurt in his eyes killed me.
But I swore I wouldn't let him hurt my mom, ever again.
"I'm so sorry Jake." I whispered.


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