Ch.6// Drunken Flashbacks

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Jake's POV
I was sitting at the hospital, still trying to get used to my crutches. I hated them.
I had just gone to see Rich, but he was still asleep, so now I was working up the courage to see Y/N.
I got my drunken memory back in patches. I remembered throwing things with her.
I remember a lot of laughing.
Then it hit me.
I kissed her.
Shit, I kissed her.
Now I was sitting outside her room, watching Dustin.
Poor Dustin.
He looked like a wreck.
I hobbled in on my crutches, and put a hand on his shoulder. He was sitting on her bed. She was still asleep.
"Hey man, have you eaten?"
"No." He grumbled, wiping his nose.
"There's some food downstairs if y-"
"No. I can't leave. What if she wakes up?"
"It's okay, I'm right here."
He sighed.
"5 minutes."
He rushed out of the room, and I sat down on the bed where he was sitting before.
I watched her delicate features, her (h/c) hair, her pretty (s/c) complexion, her pursed lips.
Then she started whispering something.
I couldn't make it out, but her eyebrows furrowed.
And she started shaking.
I put a hand on the side of her head, messing with her hair with my thumb.
She started panting and screaming in her sleep, making my eyes tear up.
A doctor walked in and saw the display, sighing sadly.
"Nurse, push 1 of Mephobarbital."
She complied and soon Y/N was sleeping deeper, her screams ceasing.
Dustin walked in with half a cup of yogurt, to see her stop screaming.
"W-why, why was she screaming? Is she okay? What happened?"
"She was just having nightmares."
He sighed and came and leaned over her.
"You're such a selfish loser." He sniffled.
Suddenly her eyes fluttered and my heart stopped.
I felt like the whole world stopped in that moment she opened her eyes. My heart stopped beating, my brain stopped thinking, my legs stopped hurting.
"What the hell did you just call me Kropp?"
A smile grew on my face, and a chuckle erupted from Dustin's lips, as he leaned down to hug her.
"I said you're a selfish loser." He cried.
"You are never *sob* allowed to scare *sob* us like that again."
She smiled and hugged him just as tight, her eyes darting to me, and smiling.
God I love that smile.
"Hey, I'm glad you're okay." I whispered.
She giggled.
My heart broke a little.
"Yah." She pulled her shirt up a little, but before I could even blush, my face paled.
Her abdomen was covered in bandages, making me squirm with worry.
"Oh my god." Dustin whispered.
"Hey it's okay. I'll be out soon, then we can rewatch-"
"Breakfast Club."
He finished for her. I swear they were actual siblings.
I got up and ruffled her hair, giving them some privacy.
As I stepped out I thought back to our kiss, replaying it in my head.

She threw a stress ball down at Jeremy's head, and fell back down laughing.
Her giggling, her smile, pure joy radiating from her. I couldn't stop myself. I pulled her closer to me, and leaned in kissing her. Her lips were so soft. I felt so alive in that moment, like I was flying.
Then she pushed me.
I stopped flying, I plummeted to the ground. And I forgot what she said after that, but I remember being in a bed and her handing me a water. Then she left.

It was how I felt when I kissed her that stuck in my mind. I've kissed PLENTY of girls before, but none of them made me feel how Y/N made me feel. It almost baffled me.
It really is crazy how just ONE person can have such an effect on you.
What is this girl doing to me?


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