Ch.2// The Cafetorium

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I walked into school the next day, going to my locker. I spent most days with my head down, trying to remain unseen, but today I was looking for tall guy.
I mean... Jake.
Dang I had to stop calling him that. Nah, that had been his name for months, therefore 'tall guy' remained.
I walked to my friend, Dustin's locker. As I slumped against the row of lockers, he raised an eyebrow and looked at me.
"What's up with you today? You seem, weird."
I rolled my eyes.
"Thanks Kropp."
He slammed his locker shut and slung his book bag over his shoulder.
"No I just mean... like, somethings up."
I shrugged.
"I may be looking for someone."
He held his finger on his chin for a minute as he walked. Then a smile crept across his face.
"Finally looking for Tall Guy, are you?"
He asked, punching me in the arm. I swatted his hand away and giggled.
"Yah, I figured out his name. We talked."
Dustin hooked his arm through mine, and leaned into my ear.
"And? Who is this mystery guy?"
"He said his name is Jake Dillinger? I don't k-"
"THE Jake Dillinger? Oh my god Y/N! You don't have a chance."
I rolled my eyes.
"Have a chance? And does everyone know this guy except me? You're acting like he's famous."
"Well he kinda is."
He pointed over across the hall, and I saw him. He had his arm wrapped around some short guy with a red streak in his hair. They laughed and high-fived before walking off.
Dustin shoved me, so I pushed through kids to find him, but by the time I voyaged through the dense thickets of children, he was gone.
Oh well. I'll talk to him some other time.
I shrugged before heading off to class.

*time skip*

Dustin and I walked out of class, groaning about the amount of work we had to do.
"I don't even understand this subject. What's the point of learning something that happened over 200 years ago?"
I shrugged.
"So you can write a musical about it."
He groaned louder and shoved me hard. I laughed and punched him in the arm.
We got to my lunch and I was about to walk out to grab my bike, when someone grabbed my arm.
Dustin and I turned around, and it was him!
"Tall Guy!" I said, smiling.
He chuckled.
"Jake." He corrected. Dustin eyes him suspiciously, before sticking his hand out.
"Dustin." Jake laughed.
"I know dude."
Jake invited us over to his table, and although reluctant, Dustin eventually forced me too.
"I just... don't like the cafeteria. Hundreds of kids, yelling and running full speed. It's just not my scene."
Dustin scoffed and put his hands on my shoulder, pushing me down into a seat.
I usually just rode my bike 7/11 or something and got food.
Dustin leaned into my ear and whispered,
"Knock knock."
I rolled my eyes.
"Who's there?"
"So who?"
"Socialize you dingus."
I couldn't help but snicker, which eventually made me giggle rather audibly.
He nudged my arm.
"I made you laugh, I'm off the hook."
"No you're still a dick."
He shrugged and handed me some of his chips, knowing I didn't have anything to eat.
Jake's eyes darted between us.
"Dustin, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend."
He gestured towards me. Dustin and I looked at each other, and erupted into heinous laughter, almost choking on chips and tears streaming down our faces.
"You think we're going out?" I barely got the words out. Jake looked confused.
"So, you're not?"
Dustin started laughing harder, and punched my arm.
"Ew, no! That's be like... going out with my little sister. That's so gross."
I nodded in agreement.
Jake smirked wider and breathed out,
I sat in a comfortable silence for a while, just listening to everyone else talking, until the bell rung and I jumped out of my seat.
I tried to grab my bag, but Dustin held it up where I couldn't reach it.
"You dick, what now?"
"Go talk to him. You barely talked at all."
"So what? It's not like I wanna be his best friend or something. I just see the guy at work."
Dustin grumbled something under his breath.
"God, you're oblivious."
"Nothing, just... go talk."
I sighed and climbed on his back, grabbing my bag, before walking back to the table.
"Hey Tall Guy, what's going on?"
I bumped his arm. He looked down and smiled at me.
"Why is your face so red?"
I was sorta panting.
"I just had to climb on the doofus to get my bag back."
I pointe diver to Dustin who gave me an obnoxious grin. I flipped him off and Jake laughed.
"Well... we're gonna be late for class. I'll see you later."
I gave him a two finger wave and he walked off. I walked off to class, and Jake's charismatic smile stuck in my mind.
He is kinda cute.


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