Ch.4// Halloween

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(A/N) A.K.A the scariest chapter

I arrived at the address, pulling up in the street. Jake's house was a wreck. Drunk kids were hanging out on the lawn, I could see sporadically colored lights shining through windows, loud music was blaring and plenty of yelling.
I was surprised no one had called the police yet.
I walked inside, fussing with my headband. I decided to do something stupid and easy, so I went with the devil. My costume consisted of a red shirt, red shorts, and a devil horn headband.
I also wore some red lipstick and eyeliner.
I made my way to the kitchen, filling my cup with water.
I gaped at the strenuous amount of children. Then I slowly began to realize, I didn't even know half the kids there.
This is what you get for having ONE friend.
That reminded me, where's Dustin?
I pulled out my phone and called him.
"Hey, where are you? I'm at the party."
He giggled on the other end.
"I'm not coming. Sorry but you gotta do this on your own."
I groaned.
"You suck."
"You love me."
I hung up and shoved my phone in my pocket.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see a very drunk Jake.
"~Heeeeeyy Y/N. You having fuuuuun?"
I chuckled, almost spitting my drink out.
"Not really, but I can tell you are."
I replied, poking him in the chest, making him stumble backwards.
"You're not having fun?! Let's fix that!!"
He grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs, towards the balcony over the living room.
We looked out over the sea of drunk children, grinding and dancing on each other.
I looked to him, and he balled up some trash on the floor, and threw it down, hitting Brooke straight on the head.
She gasped and looked up to where we were, and we hid behind railing, snickering.
I grabbed a stress ball off a nearby table, and threw it down.
It hit some gangly kid in a cyborg costume.
He looked up red in the face, and we crouched back down, laughing harder.
"You're right, this is fun."
I giggled.
He looked at me weird, and grabbed my forearm, pulling me to him.
Our lips touched and he kissed me, very gentle and light.
I was frozen in place, unable to think.
What in the actual hell?
I pushed him off of me and he stayed in the same spot, his eyes closed.
"Uh Jake? You are WAY to drunk to function right now."
He shrugged.
I sighed and pulled him up from his spot on the floor, taking him to a random bedroom and throwing him on the bed.
"Here, take my water. You're going to have such bad hangover."
He giggled and chugged the water, lying back on the bed.
I walked out, leaving him to rest.
People do weird things when they're drunk.
I still kinda felt his lips on mine, and I felt heat rise in my cheeks.
I made my way down the hall and found a room with a desk, a computer, and some paperwork.
I assumed it was Mr. Dillinger's stuff, but it seemed a little strange because it was all covered in dust.
I walked to the French doors in the back, to stand at the balcony, but they were locked.
I sighed, and turned around looking through the things on the desk.
It was mostly federal documents, so I disregarded what I saw considering it was private.
I sat down in the spinny chair, zooming around on it, laughing.
The only light in the room was by the moon, illuminating through the French doors.
Suddenly I heard screams from outside the room, and orange light peeked through the bottom of the door.
Confused, I got out of the chair and tried to open the door, but the brass doorknob burned my hand.
"Ow! What the hell?"
I held my hand in pain and watched smoke come from under the door.
I gasped in horror as I realized what was happening.
The house is on fire.


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