Ch.7// What The Heck I Gotta Do?

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It had been a couple weeks since the house fire. I had recovered pretty nicely, despite a few bad scars on my stomach and back. I could keep those pretty well hidden though, so they didn't bother me too much.
Suddenly I saw just the top of Jake's head at the window. I almost laughed, until I saw him roll in on a wheelchair.
"Oh my god, Tall Guy what happened?!"
He smiled and rolled to the counter. There was never anyone here at this time (except for some old guy in the back eating pizza), so he could go to the front.
"Some uh... some stuff happened at, the school play and uh... I stood up too much, hurting my legs more."
He barely mumbled out. He looked down, his head hanging and messing with the armrest on his chair.
"You doofus, why would you do that?"
He just stared into space with a scared expression.
"Hey man, I was just kidding. I'm glad you're okay now though."
He smiled, a real smile. I loved it.
"You know what I want?"
I tipped my 'weird hat' and nodded.
"How could I forget?"
I went to the back and grabbed a Stromboli, wrapping it up and bringing it to the counter. When he handed me the money, he suddenly looked very red in the face, and was picking at his armrest.
"So, Uh Y/N? I have a question."
I leaned down to meet his eye level.
"Do-Do you m-maybe want to um... go out with me? L-like a d-date?"
My once cocky stature dissolved and I was frozen. As his words sunk, in my eyes widened and my mouth hung open a little. Words did not want to form.
He groaned.
"Nevermind, if you don't-"
"Sure." I interrupted.
He looked just as shocked.
I nodded.
"Yah, why not? It sounds fun."
He smiled so brightly, the sun looked dim.
"C-cool. How's Saturday? I'll pick you up."
I laughed.
"How exactly?"
He sighed, messing with his chair.
"Uh...I'll pick you up, but Rich... might be driving."
I laughed harder.
"How about we don't drive? I have something better in mind."
He raised an eyebrow.
"Okay. See you then."
He waved and rolled out.
My heart sang and swelled with happiness.

Jake's POV
As I was about to leave I hear her behind me.
I turned around.
Did... she just use my name?
"Your smile is freakin' adorable."
She smirked, chomping on a breadstick. I blushed madly and smiled like my life depended on it.
She giggled and a light pink dusted her cheeks.
As I went out the store, and was out of sight, I punched the air.
"Yes!!" I cheered.
I saw Rich walking out of Pinkberry, holding two cups of frozen yogurt.
"Hey what'th up with you?"
He handed me my yogurt and I smirked.
"I got a date with Y/N this weekend."
He almost dropped his dessert.
"YOU WHAT?! Dude, you did it!! I thought you were never gonna athk her."
He glanced around.
"Where'th my food?"
"Heh... I got a date with Y/N!"
He rolled his eyes and wheeled my chair from behind.
"Whatever, we'll jutht thtop at Chik-Fil-A."
I thought back to her words.
"Jake! Your smile is freakin adorable."
She used my name.
My real name.
That was special.
She was special.
"I have a date with Y/N."
I said to myself, hardly able to believe it.
"I'm so lucky."


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