Ch.12// Repairing

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I walked down the hall, looking for Jake. It was the end of the day, and I knew he was still here somewhere.
I had carefully thought about what I wanted to say to him, making sure to not sound clingy. I didn't want to make him sound the bad guy, or make him feel bad, but he hadn't exactly been there for me either.
That's when I saw something that broke my heart.
Jake and Brooke stumble out of the of the closet, giggling about something.
"Thanks Brooke, I really needed that."
I traced my scars through my shirt.
"Ta-" I cut myself off before I called him my favorite name, that name I came to love.
"JAKE!" I yelled, louder than I meant to.
He whipped around, and saw the hurt look forming, my excessive scar tracing.
"Y/N I-"
"Seriously? I thought you were just being distant. I was ready to ask... why you haven't been there for me. Launch into this huge speech about being there... but you were cheating on me, with Brooke?"
My voice cracked on the last bit.
I felt ready to cry.
"Y/N I d-"
"No! I love you! I love you so much. Why would you do this Jake?"
I ran away before he could defend himself.
I didn't want to hear his reasoning.
It knew it was only a matter of time until he realized he was too good for me.
I kept running, running all the way home.
I knew the all-star Jake Dillinger was too good for me. The straight-A, top of his class, football player.
Tears ran down my face and I couldn't feel my feet. My heart numbed and I fell onto the sidewalk. I couldn't run anymore.
My phone continued to buzz and ring in my pocket, but I ignored it.
I curled into a ball by the road, tears sliding down my face.
Suddenly a car pulls up in front of me.
I looked up and saw Jake walk around and lean on the car.
I sniffles, sickly chuckling to myself.
"You know I was always afraid of this."
He raised an eyebrow. "Of what?"
"That'd you realize you were too good for me."
He looked shocked to his very core.
I scoffed.
"What, you look surprised. What other reason could you have for cheating on me with Brooke?"
"I never cheat on you." He said matter-of-factly.
"I saw you two come out of the closet, all the time you spent with her, all the times you blew me off."
He looked sad.
"I-I'm so sorry for blowing you off all those times," He crouched down in front of me.
"But I never cheat on you. I had to keep a secret from you, and I needed Brooke's help a lot."
I raised an eyebrow.
"With what?"
He sighed and held out his hand.
I took it and got in his car. He climbed in and started driving.
We arrived at Á La Mode, and he ran around the car, opening my door. I slightly blushed at his actions, but was still trying to figure out what he was doing.
"What are you up to Tall Guy?"
He smiled and pulled me inside.
Brooke was standing there in a stool, putting little hanging decorations around the our table in the back.
I gasped at the display.
There was candles at our table, and cute little decorations. Brooke looked in our direction and freaked.
"Shoot! What time is it?!"
"It's okay, we got here early Brooke. Sorry."
She smiled.
"Okay. Have fun you two."
She winked, and strolled out of the shop.
"I wanted to do this for you." He said simply.
"Y/N, it has been exactly one month since we got together. It has been the absolute best month ever. I love you so much. So I wanted to do something special, to let you know."
I smiled, and a blush rushed up to my cheeks. I watched the light dance across his pearling white teeth. He made me so happy.
"Jake," the mere word made his face redden.
"I love you so much. This is so amazing and I'm so sorry I ever doubted you. But..."
His smiled dropped. I laughed.
"It hasn't been one month. It'll be one month next Tuesday."
His eyebrows furrowed. He pulled out his phone and looked at his calendar, counting in his head.
His eyes widened and his face paled.
"Oh... well... shoot."
I laughed harder, holding a hand over my mouth. Jake smiled and pulled my hand down.
"I love your laugh, don't hide it."
I blushed.
"Let's get some ice cream."


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