Day 4

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Closed eyes, heart not beating, but a living love | Avis Corea

                I glanced over at Katie as she walked past the tent that next morning with things to clean down at the creek.

                I glanced back as I saw Matt gathering up another load and toss it over to Stiles who took off after her.

                I walked out of the tent as Ares came running over to me.

                Ryan laughed down at him, “He is a smart little dog.”

                I rubbed Ares on the head as I saw Matt go back into his tent. “Where is Morgan at?”

                Owen glanced back at me from the camp fire, “I thought I saw him leave earlier this morning.”

                “Where did he go?” I asked him back.

                “He walks around the camp making sure that he doesn’t find new signs of the INFECTED heading toward us.” Owen said back to me.

                I nodded my head as Ryan leaned up against the little table, “So tell me Lauren, have you killed any of these things yet?”

                I glanced back at him.

                Ryan narrowed his eyes back at me, “You haven’t kill a single one yet?”

                “I really don’t think I should be keeping count on this kinda thing.” I grabbed a bottle of water as I started through the woods. “I'm gonna go help Stiles and Katie, keep her up here please Lorette.”

                Lorette nodded her head back at me as I vanished through the tree line.

                Down at the creek, I walked over to Stiles who was dragging Madison’s mother up from the creek shore.

                Katie wiped the sweat from her forehead as Andrea popped up from the grave.

                Andrea jumped out as Katie rolled Madison’s mother into the grave. “I don’t know how much longer I can look at that girl when we know the truth and she doesn’t.”

                I looked back at her, “She is 4, and she doesn’t have to know a single thing.”

                Stiles nodded his head back at me, “I am with Lauren at that age I think she needs hope rather than death around her.”

                Andrea looked back as they had buried the other 3 bodies, “Should we ask her who they were?”

                I looked up at her, “You can I can't have that conversation with her.”

                Andrea pointed back at Katie, “Make sure you get the cleaning done.”

                Katie nodded her head as she grabbed the basket full of pots and pans and went down to the creek.

                Stiles looked up at me, “How are you doing?”

                I glanced down at him.

                “I mean since everything the other day with your family, you haven’t spoken about it.”

                I laughed back at him, “I just don’t think I wanna accept it yet that I am alive and they are gone. That my own family took the easy way out and left me to die in this world alone.”

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