The Awakening Day 3

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Speak when you are angry and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret. | Laurence J. Peter

                I rubbed my eyes when I heard my phone going off.

                I pushed the arm from my body as I got up and walked across the hardwood floor to see that McKenzie was calling me. “What do you want at this time of the morning?”

                “Your name has been posted on the police board, are you now wanted.”

                I glanced back at Morgan in the bed. “Fuck, they really have something.”

                “Lauren, what do we do?”

                “First you get off this phone and meet me at Galleys.”

                The phone went dead as I went over to the sink and tossed my phone down the drain. I hit the switch for the disposal.

                I looked up as Morgan jumped up from the noise.

                “The fuck is you doing?”

                “I dropped my phone and I thought that was the light switch.” I said back to him.

                He nodded his head back at me, “Just be happy your hand wasn’t down there.”

                I cracked a smile back at him, “Hey do you have some clothes I could borrow?”

                Morgan pointed back into his room, “Yea, take whatever you need.”

                I picked up my dress and my shoes.       

                I grabbed my bag and went through it.

                I grabbed the knife that I had at the bottom. I glanced up as Morgan came to the door of his room.

                “Is everything ok?”

                I grinned back at him, “At this point, I don’t know anymore.”

                Morgan rubbed his arms, “Is there anything I can do?”

                I glanced back at him as I slipped on his sweat pants, “You know the routine.”

                Morgan watched me pull my hair back as he tossed me his phone.

                “They are gonna track this Morgan.” I looked up at him.

                “My ex called me last night before I saw you last night. She is gonna allow me to see my kids again and I know that was all you.”

                I pulled the hood up over my head, “I thought it was about time.”

                “Lauren, what the fuck happened to you when you were under?”

                I looked back at Morgan. “I went to purgatory for what I did.”

                Morgan dropped his eyes as I went out the door.

                I went down the steps tossing my things into the back garage can when I saw the police cars coming.

                I dropped my head as I just kept walking.

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