Day 20

165 13 3

The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins? | Edgar Allan Poe

                Running from your problems ain't gonna solve a fucking thing.

                I sat up as I tried to catch my breathing.

                I looked over at Johanna and McKenzie as we were still another day out from Orange.

                I shook my head as Ares walked over to me.

                I rubbed his head as Bella walked over with Vulcan at her side. “He really took to you.”

                “Yea, he can help me out when it comes to protecting you.” Bella smiled back at me.

                I nodded my head as I got up from the ground, “We have to live through another day before we can get there.”

                Bella put her hand up, “What do you think is gonna happen to us?”

                I looked back at her.

                “I mean what if we can't get through or what if we get there and it’s just gone. I mean what is gonna be our next move?”

                I shook my head, “I don’t know. I really don’t know what happens after this.”

                Bella narrowed her eyes back at me, “Your face looks a little pale, are you doing ok?”

                I cracked a smile back at her, “I'm doing great.”

                I watched her walk down the hill back down to Johanna and McKenzie when I saw Morgan watching me.

                I shook my head as I felt something crawling up.

                I closed my eyes as the images of them rushed all back to me.

                I snapped my eyes back open as I screamed out in pain.

                I stumbled back when I collapsed to the ground as I throw up something.

                I looked down at the black mess infront of me.

                I shook my head as Johanna rushed up to me.

                “Get away from me!” I shouted back at her as I got up wiping my mouth clean.

                Johanna shook her head as she went back down to McKenzie.

                McKenzie glanced up at her, “How long are we gonna play the ‘we don’t know card’?”

                Johanna glared back at her, “Keep your lips shut.”

                Bella glanced back at her, “We all see her fading Johanna, and she isn't gonna last very much longer. I mean the disease is eating her up on the inside. She isn't fighting anymore.”

                “I will not give up just yet. She is my daughter and I'm gonna watch her see tomorrow. She won't die tonight. Not on my watch!”


                I walked down the street when I heard the footsteps. “What did I say to you?”

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