Day 2

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The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living. | Marcus Tullius Cicero

                I woke up the next morning to Ares licking me in the face. I pushed him off of me as I got up and made my way out of the tent.

                I saw Katie standing next to Andrea with her arms crossed.

                I walked over to them as she glanced up at me.

                Andrea looked back at me, “You sleep ok?”

                “No, it sucked but I will be fine.” I said back to her.

                Andrea glanced back as some of the others were in a circle talking.

                “What is going on?” I said back to her.

                “They are talking about you staying or not.” Andrea glanced back at me.

                “I don’t understand, she has medical training she can help us.” Katie blurted out.

                Andrea shook her head back at her, “Shut up Katie, you know the rules around here.”

                I shook my head back at her, “If they don’t want me around then I can leave, you aren't hurting my feelings.”

                Katie glanced up at the older lady that had made her way over to us, “Lauren this is Lorette.”

                I smiled back at the older lady.

                “You saved Katie and did that to her arm?” Lorette looked at me.

                “Yes ma’am, I did.”

                Lorette nodded her head back at me, “You are good people for saving them and for giving us those supplies. I vote that you stay.”

                I nodded my head back at her as she walked back toward the center tent that had been put up.

                I glanced around as there were several tents all over the place but just a few cars.

                “You don’t have a lot of cars around here.” I said back taking note of that.

                Andrea looked back at me, “The guys can never find a decent car that will last. We can only find old shit that doesn’t seem to last that long.”

                I looked back at her, “My neighborhood, I mean my one neighbor like 3 doors down. She would get a new SUV ever year, I mean I think she just got one, I don’t know if it would be there but I think there is a bunch in those garages.”

                Andrea laughed back at me, “My sister said it was a 2 hour drive. Our guys won't go that far.”

                “Why not, I mean my house is probably still loaded with food.” I said back to her.

                Andrea looked down at the ground, “Food sounds good but we can't worry about that.”

                Katie glanced up at me, “We should go back and get that stuff.”

                I nodded my head back at her, “I mean I don’t see why not.”

                Andrea glanced up when the shorter guy from last night walked over to us.

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