Chapter 4: Love is Love

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Jill slept with her that night. She did not want her to sleep alone. Mary needed all the right loving. Though sex was on Jill's mind, she wondered if it was the right thing to do. Since she first saw her after her rescue, she wanted to jump into Mary's arms. Jill would have never believed something out of a science fiction novel would come true. As she continued to lie there ever so close to her lover, she could not deny it either. She is with her dearest love and wants to do everything to help her turn things around, so she can love Mary in the way, but this was for Mary and not her. Giving her all she needed was more important than how she felt.

Jill thought over why someone would go out of their way to take them both. "It couldn't be a random event. Whoever is responsible, they knew who they wanted and what they were doing." A horrid idea came to her mind. "O, my God! Could it be that they want me murdered in front of her after all?"

Since Alsaashdyn has bonded with Jill, she could talk to her in her head. She said, "Trust me, love, I thought the first time I talked to her — yes... that day as you read in Mary's journal. After someone murdered me, during the rescue attempt, I've been investigating this issue. I came to realize you had to be in danger. I did all I could to not show my fears to Mary. It was very hard, but I did it."

"Thank you Alsaashdyn for all you have done for... our lover. I can't explain it, but I love you as much as I do her."

"As I do you, Jill. It's more than mind-melding with Mary than being in her head. I'm still the same Ishku. How I became one with Mary in the first place — a Chevalier has a choice to bond with a special someone or live eternal in the afterlife. I couldn't see myself being happier without having Mary with me. I had to bond with her. Yes, it was a mutual bonding. We had plenty of time to think about this. The living beings here believe life is more in the afterlife than our biological life."

"That is so interesting! That is so similar to the ancient Egyptians... on our world. Not the bonding part, but the afterlife."

"I knew what you meant, my love, and it is interesting that we have similar ideas. I guess no matter what planet you are on, living beings will think similar in their own way."

"It might be why they got us both. Your world could be connected to the ancient past of Earth. I hope it is a sign we are closer to Earth than we all realize."

"I can't tell you. We can travel in space, but not galaxy to galaxy."

"I believe we're in the same galaxy. It would be impossible for a wormhole to travel that far."

"At a random chance, yes, but what you're thinking, my dear Jill, it wasn't a random event. Just the same, we could be in the same galaxy, but at a great distance from each other."

"I hope I'm wrong, but whoever took us may want me murdered right in front of Mary."

"I do too. I love both of you as much as you two love each other." She paused, "I hope that isn't freaking you out. We just met."

"I'm not freaked out, baby. I might have more love for you. It was you who saved Mary's life so the three of us could bond in the most loving way possible." She paused for a moment and continued, "How much I want to make love with her. I'll take it slow. This is more for her than me."

"When that time comes, I'll make love with the two of you. Our bonding is more than a spiritual unity. I'm still the same Ishku. The only difference is I'm living on a different plane."

Jill gave a big outward smile and fell asleep.

Later on that night Mary all of a sudden woke up screaming in complete and total terror. It took Jill all she could to hold her still so Mary would not injure herself. Mary was screaming like a mad person.

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