Chapter 9: Mary Learns

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That night while trying to sleep in one of the spare rooms of David's home, Mary was trying to come to terms with the new memories and experiences she had been receiving. "All that has been in my head, I don't understand. Just the same, I feel that Alsaashdyn is me but how? You said I wasn't... How can we be the same?"

"Who said we are? I said your ancient persona came and entered me like a symbiote. I didn't say we are the same person."

"I know, love. What is concerning me, I have the strongest feeling... we're the same. Am I losing it, or is this feeling wrong?"

"Did you learn this from me in the mines? We hardly had time to talk a few words. Who is..."

"O my, GOD! You aren't the Alsaashdyn in the mines?"

"Yes and no. She paused, "Let me explain it this way. She is in you as real as everyone in your life. What I said was true about our melding as one. I will never lie to you. I need to tell you the whole story. Be warned, there is a lot to tell."

"I think I know a great deal, but it's in bits and pieces — or I think it is — I don't know. ARR! All of this is so damn confusing. I'm seeing a whole different life of someone I never met while I know it's me. I hope the reason behind you're not telling me my original name is big. I hate to be disappointed."

"What you may have already felt, your name is more of a title."

"You called me Your Majesty earlier. I'm sure it is that — yes?"

"That story alone is a whopper to tell. For now, I'll tell you more about what you asked." After a small pause, Alsaashdyn did just that, "When you created the Chevaliers..."

"Hold it! I know what I said, but how could I create them? Was I pregnant and had a lot of children?"

"Here, the word 'create' is a metaphor and a real term. No one can create life from nothing. If you haven't realized already, you have great powers. Teleporting from one planet to another is child's play to what you can do."

"Wait, a minute! I thought you would explain how you're in me and you're me."

Alsaashdyn gave her a warm loving feeling. "I'm getting to that. I told you I would do my best. This is complex to the point; I could go on for months telling how you came to us from Earth and back."

"Okay, let me guide you in this if I can. First — DAMMIT — tell me my bloody ass name!"

Alsaashdyn sighed, "Okay. You're right. We're the same person. Your name is Alsaashdyn because we're one from as far back as..."

"WHAT!! How could we have been together if we first met each other in those mines?"

"That is easy, baby. I told you I walked into their territory because I was feeling sorry for myself. The reason I thought I missed a temporal jump when you would be on U'Vinuduo."

"Are you saying that we had to meet in order for us to mind meld or the like from this ancient past?"

Alsaashdyn laughed, "Sorry for the confusion, my love. We're one not in the same way we are now." She paused, "let me explain how you could be on Earth. From the beginning, you thought someone had kidnapped you. To tell you the truth, in ancient times there was someone after me — after everyone on the planet. Unfortunately, his team broke through the defenses. Before they could kill me outright, I had one ace up my sleeve."

"You sent yourself in time through the biological processes of being born as a human being on Earth."

"Learning more I see."

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