Chapter 5: Who Am I?

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I have given up trying to set a date for this journal. Since I'm not on Earth anymore, why should I do so? I'll never forget all I know and experience on Earth, but if this journal is to record all the bloody horrors I've experienced, then should I be setting Earthly dates in it?"


Alsaashdyn said, "You know what, you wrote is complete horseshit."

Since Jill was asleep that morning, Mary did not speak out loud, "I was referring to..."

"Who do you think you are talking to? Yes, I know you want to focus on living here more, but this is your journal, girl. Write what you want to write. Just make sure you write more about how you feel regarding the traumas you had to endure, or I will bug you silly."

"I feel I should stop dating this journal as I have done. Since I don't know the date on Earth, why continue—if I was right, to begin with? I thought it would be futile to do it, and if I'm to let things go as my aunt suggested, then holding on to this temporal function is a waste of my time."

Alsaashdyn said cheerfully, "Good for you, my love."

Mary gave a quiet outward smile, "Thanks."

Mary continued writing:


With both Alsaashdyn and Jill as my dearest lovers, it has helped me continue onward, but far from having this out of me — Sigh — I wonder if I ever will. I know that some of it will always be there in my memory, but I hope I can be able to learn to live with it. I wonder if there is a purpose for all I've been under. Far from it, am I saying being a slave is a good thing, but if it weren't for it, where would my life end up in this world?

Why were we taken in the first place? With my math skills and Jill's science know-how, we couldn't come up with where in the heck we were in this galaxy — we might find die-hard answers to all this craziness. There has to be a damn ass good reason we are here. I can't say being a slave is part of it, or at least I hope not, but I've known nothing about Alsaashdyn. I still feel that my old life on Earth is dead and gone, and I still want it back. I don't want to lose either Jill or Alsaashdyn, but would they be better off without me?


Jill woke up and gave her lover a cold stare.

Mary saw that and replied, "Mind reading me, again?"

"Better off without you? You saved my life from your boyfriends of yours."

Mary laughed, "You are so full of shit!"

She sat up and continued, "Taking after you it seems."

"I thought this journal was supposed to be private."

She huffed, "Alsaashdyn, you need me to kick her ass for you?"

"Wait, a minute! You think I'll reply for her..."

Jill laughed and said, "I was joking." She paused and continued, "I know why you wrote that, and I understand. You were thinking what would have happened if I was on Earth and not brought here to get jealous of your secret admirers."

She pretended to be writing in her journal while saying out loud, "Jill is a sweetheart, but she is so full of shit, she can't walk straight."

Jill quickly stood up naked as the day and walked towards Mary. She said, "Let me see what you have written so far, goofball."

After flipping a few pages backward, Mary gave her the journal:


The past few days, making love to Jill and Alsaashdyn in such a unique and marvelous way, it has been the most pleasurable experience since I have arrived here. After I woke up very early this morning, I had the irresistible desire to write in this journal. For the first time, I felt the need to let go, but again, I'm still far, far too frightened to do this. In time, I will. Master Aqpha has reminded me of it.

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