Chapter 7: The Light From Within

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I cried with Aunt Debora for some time, and it helped me more than I could ever know. Finally, all that grief is out of me, and good riddance. I see now what the dream I had of Aunt Debora meant about letting go, but it took the real one to allow me to do it.

It wasn't just about letting go of the past, though. It was about understanding what the Word of God and what Master Aqpha taught me, truly meant. clinging to that grief wasn't honoring Aunt Debora's memory, it was letting it control me. God's word speaks of life and love, and I was drowning in sorrow.

Now, with that burden lifted, I can be a Knight as I should be. I can be the woman Master Aqpha trained me to be, a beacon of compassion and strength. More importantly, I can embrace the love in my life fully. The tenderness I felt with Jill, the depth of connection with Alsaashdyn – these are gifts, aspects of God's love reflected in the world. Clinging to the past kept me from experiencing them fully.

Now, I can be the best lover, the best partner I can be. No more walls, no more holding back. Just love, flowing freely, as God intended.


"I hope you felt my love too, baby doll."

Mary said, "I did, love. O yes! I did."

"Are you still fearful of those boyfriends of yours?"

Mary had to do all she could to keep from laughing. Jill was sleeping close to her. "You're learning too much from Jill. You're about as full of it as she is."

"I wanted to feel the laughter within your soul. You deserve it."

"Thanks. As for your answer, I don't fear them anymore. I don't believe they were after me personally. It was simply me walking on their turf."

"It was the same way with me. I have been a knight for years."

"How long did you stay with them before I came?"

"I have to admit, I lost count, but I know it was longer than you were there."

"How did they know I arrived in U'Vinuduo?"

Alsaashdyn said, "You said the name!"

"Yes, I have—thanks to Aunt Debora."

"What are you going to do now?"

"For one, go back to Earth for a time. I'm still on vacation, and Jill hasn't told me it is over with."

Jill woke up and said, "No I haven't."

Mary smiled, "Good morning, sexy."

She removed the covers on her and said, "Because I am naked?"

Mary stared at her naked body for a moment and said, "You're sexy to me, clothed or not, but I have to admit you turn me on — seeing you that way."

Jill stood up and walked closer in a sensual manner. When she was close enough, Jill sat in Mary's lap with each leg on both sides of Mary's body. She then gave her a sexy body expression while looking into her eyes.

Mary was so excited she barely could not talk, but she tried, "Wow.... baby.... that was... so hot!"

Jill put her hands around Mary's neck and gave her a very passionate kiss that she shared with her. After kissing, Jill asked, "How sexy am I now?"

At first, Mary could not reply. Finally, she said with a dazed look, "O my... baby. That was some kiss!"

Jill smiled and gave her the same kiss once more. After she was done, Mary turned into jelly. Jill said, "Need a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?"

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