Chapter 13: Mary & Alsaashdyn

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April 5, 2013

Though I yearn for the familiar ground of Earth, like the Israelites longing for the Promised Land [Exodus 14:10-12], I am called to serve a greater purpose here on U'Vinuduo. It may feel like a form of exile, yet God works through hardship, just as He led His people through the desert [Exodus 16].

My yearning for knowledge mirrors the pursuit of wisdom praised in Proverbs [Proverbs 4:5-7]. While tutors may not be present, I can use this time to grow in faith and understanding of God's creation.

Though I miss Jill and the life I knew, true fulfillment comes from serving a higher calling. Unlike the fleeting pleasures of the world, this path offers a purpose that transcends earthly desires [Matthew 6:19-21].

Perhaps this experience is a test, a crucible to refine my character like gold in fire [Malachi 3:2-3]. Just as Jonah initially resisted God's will [Jonah 1:1-3], I struggle with acceptance. But through prayer and faith, I can find peace in God's plan.

Though I am royalty here, true nobility lies in service to others. Like Jesus who washed the feet of His disciples [John 13:4-17], I can use my position to uplift those around me.

Patience is a virtue, as Ecclesiastes reminds us [Ecclesiastes 3:1]. While I long for Earth, this time may be preparing me to be a better advocate for understanding between our worlds.

The pull of both worlds may leave me feeling unsettled, but God promises to be with me wherever I go [Joshua 1:9]. Perhaps this inner struggle is a chance for growth, just as the wrestling of Jacob with the angel [Genesis 32:24-30] brought him closer to God.

With faith, I trust that God will guide me through this uncertainty. Even if I stumble, He will offer forgiveness and a path forward, just as He did for the prodigal son [Luke 15:11-32].


Her persona said in Mary's head, "You are not a pain in the ass."

Mary smiled, "Should that be, I'm not a pain in the ass — since you're me?"

"You know what I mean, goofball."

Mary laughed out loud, "I do, goofball."

"You better stop talking out loud, or people will think you are talking to yourself."

"They all know I am nuts, love. That is why they love me so much."

"You aren't crazy by being in both worlds." She paused, "to tell you the truth, I was the same way when I learned about Earth."

It shocked Mary, "You were on Earth in ancient times?"

"Yes, I was. I traveled in time too. You, humans, have a very interesting history."

"I forgot about the powers — you — I mean, I have. What all can I do with them?"

"There is a lot and reading those journals tells a great deal about them. That is why everyone is giving you the time to read them."

"I have been reading them, and you damn know it too; yet, I haven't read anything about these powers you speak."

"I'm in your head, goofy. Do I have to kick your ass?"

"Yeah right, your royal dufus." Marry laughed.

The ancient Alsaashdyn laughed in Mary's head and said, "Don't think I can't, young one." She paused, "That was fun — being silly with you."

"Yes, it was." Mary paused, "I'm sure your journals can't teach me how to use these powers."

"No, they can't. Remember what I said, "You have to read before I can talk or do anything with you, regarding what I have written. There will be no spoilers or cutting corners."

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