Chapter 14: Learning

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After a few months, Alsaashdyn was learning more about how to morph. She was at an Elementary school on U'Vinuduo with some children. The best way to teach a society about a culture from a different world is to start with the younger generation.

She wanted to show them some domestic animals from Earth. Since she adored the Scottish terriers, she transformed into one. As with any child no matter what planet, they were timid with this new creature, but most of the children adored this animal before them.

As she spent more time with them in the classroom each day, she got them to experience other domestic dogs and some breeds of cats. Since she did not care too much about them, her knowledge was not all that much.

After they were getting familiar with these two bread of animals, she talked to the schools about having them sent to Earth to show them more of what kind of animals Earth had at a large petting zoo. It would be a great place to start uniting the people of U'Vinuduo on Earth...

As the children adored their time at the zoo beyond anything Alsaashdyn could ever hope for, she was thinking of doing the same thing for the children on Earth to visit another planet for the first time in human history.

Everyone in the park was enjoying their new inner-planetary visitors; she was also accepting her two personas in her life. For the first time, she was both. She accepted as if these two were always one.

As she was resting on one of the park benches, Jill asked, "I can see you are having the time of your life, baby."

She smiled at her and replied, "Very much so. I had a feeling these kids would accept the new surroundings with great ease, but how these kids have been behaving in a new world... it is like they have lived here on Earth all their lives."

One employee of the park said to them both, "Please trust me when I say this: We feel the same way about them. Yes, they aren't human, but as you can see everyone has accepted them — including the animals."

Alsaashdyn said with some concern, "I hope when more come from U'Vinuduo, the panic will be at a minimum."

"Your Highness, did you not understand what I said to you? No one is doing so."

Jill stated, "My love, I think you need to stop worrying about something that isn't happening. There might be some that will insist on being jerks. They have shown their ugly heads throughout history. When they do so, now, I think so many will either ignore them or just think they are silly. We have all gotten reports that the law officers will protect all from other planets we bring to Earth. Right now, you are worrying about something that isn't real."

"You are right, love. In all the hate I have experienced over the prejudices here in America, I can't simply ignore something crazy will happen."

The park employee said, "Despite the organization we have here at the park, there are things that will go wrong. We have procedures to deal with them with fewer complications — for our guests, but bad things still happen. I'm sure everyone working with you here on Earth has prepared for all adversities you are concerned about."

"I thank you all for working with us on the safety and health of the children. Your staff members are crackerjacks."

"If it wasn't for those translator devices you gave us, I wouldn't think we could pull off all we have done for them. It seems because of our teamwork, these children are having a great time."

She smiled and said, "Yes, they are having the time of their young lives." A perfect idea came to her mind, and she shared it with them, "I think I should talk to the people from our elementary school and have these kids in the classrooms. It would be a great way to, first hand, have people of both worlds interact in such a natural way."

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