Chapter 11: Both Worlds

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After a month with her family in a new world, Alsaashdyn planned out how she would connect the living beings of this world with the ones on Earth...


This has to be the hardest part of my entire life — ancient past or present. I don't think my ancient past persona has any clue how to do this. I'll need help. I have been thinking of sending some of our ambassadors here. What a beautiful place to have a gathering. If they become apprehensive about seeing living beings from another world, then having a good long view of the mountains and all the natural wonders would make all their anxieties disappear. I think it is why I could write in your pages from the start.

Dammit of all hell. I can't get over the possibility of having a mass of people going into a frenzy over all this. It is true people aren't living out the silliness like in the movies and television, but when will their cork pop? So far they have only seen me. I hope that will be enough. Maybe talking to these ambassadors can help me. I can't do this alone. For this to work, others have to get involved.


As she was writing in her journal, her aunt came on the scene. Alsaashdyn looked up and smiled at her.

"Sorry to interrupt. Your brain was almost smoking on how you were writing."

"I wrote I need help to draw these two worlds together. I was thinking of inviting ambassadors here."

Debora thought for a moment, "Good idea. I have another, and I already talked about this with your Master. Why not have some of your friends come over too? Remember social human networking is the best way to win results. To hear how things are in this world from their own people than from government — even from an ambassador — would help you a great deal."

"O my — that is a great idea! As I see it, the next logical step would bring journalists here. I think I will appoint you as my aide/adviser. You have a better..."

"I happened to have this one pop in my head. If you want my help, I will do what I can for you, but it will be only for you, sweetie."

Alsaashdyn smiled, "I never liked formal diplomatic advice. They are too damn stuffy for my tastes." She paused, "I want to take this slow; hence, why I want more consultants and other help. I think ambassadors can help me organize things between both worlds. As you have proven, you are the one to help me organize things on a personal level. Jill and I have talked about this, and she will help me. I'll need all the love she can give me, right now."

"She won't be the only one." She paused, "it is true, Jill can only give that unique special love, but love is infinite. I, your parents, friends, and all you know can support you in every way they can."

"I am thrilled mom and dad have grown deep roots here. They can send them back home anytime they wish, but I am overjoyed they want to live here."

"Sweetie, their home is with you. They never cared about a building or the like. They love to do their yard work, but their home is with you. That is another reason you needed to live with me as you were going to college. You had to make roots yourself, and it appears you have done so—far more than I could ever foresee."

Alsaashdyn laughed, "I bet." She paused, "I hope one day I can start back in college."

Debora smiled, "Take it all in with baby steps. When the time comes, you can start back, but I bet you will have your hands full with a career you were not expecting."

"You mean my royal life?" She paused, "If things work out, I could have tutors with me. That is far from the things on my list. I enjoyed my first semester, and never know, might learn something about being an administrator." She paused again, "I know my math skills will be helpful."

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