Chapter 8: Earth

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After a week of spending time alone with Jill and Alsaashdyn, Mary reluctantly started off to see her uncle about what her mother got her to do.

Jill asked, "Want me to go with you?"

Mary thought for a moment and answered with a smile, "I'll be fine. There is no storm, and the drivers will drive the same as they have done." She paused, "what concerns me, I don't want to go to David just for this. What can he do to help me?"

She walked lovingly towards her and used her left hand to caress her lover's head. She said, "The question you need to know is why you aren't helping yourself. True, there are things you will never forget, but this still bothers you." She realized Mary was about to speak on something that was still deep in her, but Jill used the index finger of her same hand and put it over Mary's lips and said, "Tell him this — all of it."

She sighed, "Okay. I will. I know how good he is at his job. We have talked a lot about this, but I know I'm much stronger than Mom thinks. She's good about worrying over things that aren't there."

"I know that, but she loves you. That was something I have to admit your boyfriends did not give."

She laughed, "You are such a romantic nit."

"Yes I am, and it was when I first laid my eyes on you, baby."

After she gave her lover a passionate kiss, she said, "I better get going. I told David, I would meet him at 3 pm. It is nearly 9 am."

A wonderful idea came to Jill's head, "Have you thought about teleporting yourself to him rather than driving?"

"Yes I have, and I don't think it would be a good idea right now. I know what I can do isn't some government top-secret thing, but I don't want to be the center of attention."

She looked at her, "Yeah right. Since when did you start this trend?"

"Since I am a knight..."

"Alsaashdyn, can you tell this bonehead she is full of..."

"Easy you two! I will have none of that ganging up on me."

Alsaashdyn's voice came through the air so both could hear her, "Being a Knight doesn't mean you can't do things. Don't allow your abilities to go to waste due to fear of what you went through."

"I know that. Driving is also my alone time. I never use the phone, texting, or whatever when I am driving. When I drive, it is my time to think with no distractions other than the drivers on the road."

Jill replied, "Okay, you sold me, but I want you to call me when you arrive. Make sure she does that, Alsaashdyn."

Mary gave Jill another kiss and left.

"You know driving is unnecessary. I know you didn't lie to Jill, but there is something else."

"The last time I drove alone was in that storm. If I'm going to David, which I still believe is futile, then I want to drive alone."

"I know what you told me is crap; I'm in your head. You can't tell me those wild stories and get away with it."

She smiled, "I want to be me as I was before I learned I can use powers which outright baffles science as we know it on Earth. I have the right to be human."

Sliding behind the wheel, Mary fired up the engine. The car hummed to life as she settled into a steady rhythm on the road. Only then did Alsaashdyn's voice break the silence. "If you believe seeing your uncle is pointless," he began, 'then why go?"

Mary said out loud, "I know mom will give me hell if I don't — with all sorts of worrying. By hearing it from him, I'm not crazy, then it will allow Mom to relax."

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