Chapter 6: The Storm

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In whispers of ink, on parchment so frail,

A sacred inscription, a life-giving tale.

The Word, a bright torch in the caverns of night,

A beacon of truth, a celestial light.

From Genesis dawn to Revelation's grand sweep,

The Bible unfolds, its doctrines profound and deep.

It charts a moral course, a compass and guide,

Through valleys of sorrow, on mountains where hope may reside.

With wisdom's soft murmur and prophecies bold,

It paints a grand story, both new and old.

Of creation's majesty, humanity's fall,

And redemption's promise, embracing us all.

The doctrines, like branches of a flourishing tree,

Provide strength and shelter, for you and for me.

They teach us compassion, forgiveness, and love,

A symphony divine, from the heavens above.




Disoriented, Mary emerged from a vision so vivid it blurred the lines between dream and reality. The storm's fury surrounded her, a harsh contrast to the heavenly peace she'd experienced. Panic threatened to engulf her, but a familiar weight in her hand brought comfort.

It was her Bible, the very one she used to commune with the Lord. Relief washed over her. In Proverbs 3:5-6, scripture reminds us: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Though the path ahead seemed shrouded in confusion, the presence of her Bible was a tangible reminder of God's unwavering faithfulness.

Taking a deep breath, Mary acknowledged the fear gnawing at her. "Lord," she whispered, "calm the storm within me, just as You calmed the seas for Your disciples [Mark 4:35-41]." As she spoke His name, a flicker of peace settled in her heart. The storm outside raged on, but within, a seed of faith took root.

In realization of all that had occurred, "O my fucking God! It was real." She paused, "Alsaashdyn where are you? Wake up, you Ishku. I need your help, baby."

There was nothing at first, finally, she made herself known in Mary's mind. Mary said, "What's going on? I see I'm back in my car on Earth. Why am I here?"

"I see you are in the storm, too."

"I can see that. Why am I here?"

"Are you sure you are where you think you are?"

"If this is a dream, then it is the most detailed one I have ever known."

"It might be a way for you to know more about your past life."

"Let me figure this out. I'm asleep, and I'm not dreaming. How is that?"

"Look around you. What do you see?"

She did and said, "I see every detail of the car Mom and Daddy gave me before I went to live with my Aunt. Everything is as I remembered. Dreams aren't supposed to be like this."

"Exactly. It isn't a dream. You are fully awake."

"Why would I want to come back to this point in time of all places?"

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