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Jin's POV:

"Yes, he's my father... Why?" I paused before responding, taking in all of the new information Youngjae had distributed to me.

"Is he a doctor?"

"Yes! He is! Do you know him?" I nodded, feeling my cheeks heat up when the memories of what that doctor and I had done in my bedroom.

And the memories before then.

"He's my dad's best friend." Youngjae smiled, excitedly.

"You're Kim Seokjin!? My father doesn't shut up about his friendship with your dad." He rolled his eyes, cutely.


"Yeah!" My mind was still confused as to how Namjoon met this guy, and how THIS guy just so happen to be my dad's friend's son... I feel so confused right now.

"Then, how do you know Namjoon?"

"Well, we met back in high school. He was such a bad ass! A smart student with many talents, yet he was a very quiet boy who was always wearing a dark black hoodie. I found him sad and depressing, so I decided to be his friend." He ended his sentence right there, but I was dying to know more.

So through many questions, I got to know more of, not only Youngjae and Namjoon's friendship and past, but about Youngjae as well.

And he wasn't such a bad guy. He was actually very fun to be around.

"So, what brought you to the hospital?" I asked.

"As a matter of fact, my own father did. He works here, so I decided to visit him and bring him lunch!" His bubbly personality was very honest. I enjoyed that about him.

He seemed kind of cute.

"What brought you and Namjoon here?" My face turned red.

"Oh, two of my friends had sex together and got stuck like an experiment gone wrong! No big deal. One even has fur in his hands!!" How the hell was I supposed to explain that to a man I barely know?

"Why are you laughing?" I was so caught up in my thoughts, remembering how ridiculous Jungkook and Chanyeol looked, merged together, that I didn't realize I had been laughing the entire time.

"Because it's kind of a funny story of HOW I got here. But I'll have to explain it to you some other time, because now wouldn't be the appropriate time or place to tell you. Trust me, you really wouldn't want to know." Youngjae just giggled.

"Ah, it's one of those cases in which the couples get stuck, hmm?" He winked.


"My dad is a specialist in hybrids. He's helped me in such situations." We awkwardly stared at each other at first, then we started to laugh.

"It's cold out today." He said, just as I was rubbing my hands over my arms to warm them up.

"Yeah, it is. I'm shivering." When he noticed me shaking, he opened up his coat and I stepped inside, thanking him as he wrapped me up.

"This is very fuzzy." I squirmed around until I was comfy.

For some reason, he made me feel safe.

"You can get closer, you don't have to be all the way over there." My ears turned a dark crimson red and I felt my tail twitch, the closer I got to him.

(A/N: The tail in the back! Not in the front, everyone! 😂❤)

"Mmm... This is nice." He sighed, staring up at the sky.

My nose wiggled as I nuzzled it into his chest, tickling him.

"Your scent of cologne is similar to one my father wears." I smiled, inhaling it again.

"Ah, I see. You're ticking me, aha! Wait!" Our eyes locked and we just smiled.

My tail was annoyingly escaping out of my pants. Unable to keep it inside any longer, I let it pop out and it was suddenly met with another fuzzy, soft tail.

"Hey! I guess we're both happy, huh?" Youngjae giggled. I blushed, laughing as well.

We walked back into the hospital and spotted Namjoon, who was distracted on his phone.

"I should get going now, I'm going to see my dad again to make sure he ate. Bye, Joonie!!" Youngjae shouted.

Namjoon waved, not looking away from his device.

Youngjae and I attempted to separate from each other, but instead, my arms got tangled in his coat and we ended up hugging, tightly.

A loud sound of plastic colliding with the floor echoed throughout the quiet waiting room, while I became more caged inside of Youngjae's coat.

My arm was suddenly pulled and I was immediately detached from the man with copper brown hair, to meet a man with grayish white hair.

"Thanks, I would have never gotten out." I chuckled.

Youngjae and Namjoon friendly hugged each other, then walked away.

I left with Namjoon, still smiling.

"He's nice, isn't he?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah. Handsome too." I added.

"Oh, really? More handsome than me?" He raised an eyebrow, pretending to be offended.

I shook my head, caressing his face.

"No one can be more handsome than you, Namjoon." Namjoon leaned in for a kiss. I closed my eyes and let my imagination run wild as I braced myself for the soft smooch.

"Except for me!" We both jumped up, ignoring the kiss when we found Chanyeol was in front of us.

Jungkook followed behind him holding something wrapped up in a white blanket.

He kept on rocking it back and forth.

"It's a boy!" He announced.

Namjoon and I screamed, "WHAT THE FUCK!?" in unision.

Chanyeol and Jungkook smiled at each other, nodding.

"We had a baby, this is why Jungkook is still in a wheelchair, DUH!"

"Yeah, wanna see out newborn?" I couldn't decide if I wanted to laugh, scream, or nod.

So I did everything I listed out in no particular order, followed by Namjoon, who just screamed in general.

"Of course we do!" I approached the baby and tugged at the blanket Jungkook had in his arms.

Namjoon was excited to see the baby. He loved children as much as I do, and even though we were confused as to how Chanyeol and Jungkook were able to have one together, we just approached the blanket as the husky handed the baby over to us.



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