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Dippers pov
       I run towards the woods to look for Mabel, but before I did I took a glance at bills statue and smiled.
       'I was probably fucking weird..heck maybe he wasn't even listening and I was just talking to myself..damn I'm pathetic.'
       I run and look for the path I came from. And at last I fucking found it...I came out (not out of the MC'fucking closet :))) ) I try to look for Mabel since I can't fucking find her...like where is she? Did something happen?
       "DIPPER!" Mabel surprises me from behind as I scream in terror and thinking I was gonna fucking die.
       "HOLY SHIZZLE MABEL WHAT IN THAT ACTUAL FRICK?!?!?!" I scream in fear as I try to control my heart beats.
       "PFFFFF- HAHAHAHHAHA OH MY FUCKKKKKK...pff- sorry bro it's just I like hearing your screams!" Mabel says with a smile.
       "Ok that sounded weird, but let's just go ho-...um Mabel? Where the fuck is the new so called home??"
       "Oh yeahhhhh. I forgot about that..uh ANYWAYS home is now in a gift shop!" She says with enthusiasm while she does jazz hands.
       "A...gift shop? So like..are you saying that grunkle Stan..um scams people?"
       "Wow! Hah you sure catch on! Anyways time to go UwU!" She says with her mimick of a fucking uwu face. Basically the walk to wherever we were heading was really quiet and just..akward. I mean how wouldn't it be akward when you've just been calling your sister and texting her, but never even seeing her or make any eye contact with her whatsoever. And I mean I wanted to ask her what her sob story to them was, but I didn't want to hear it.
       'Damn..when can I change this shirt..gosh I feel so exposed. Man I mean who would when your outside after a very long ass fucking time..I really gotta lower down my curse words..wait how did I LEARN those words when- oh wait I hear them from my father...I wanna sleep.'
        We finally arrived to our destination and..boy does this shack look fucked. One of the letters fell and I don't want to know if there's a dead body under that or not. And it just looks mossy and..Woody? Idk, but all I thought at this moment was that it was better than "home". Mabel opens the door and faces her grunkles..or our? Anyways they just ran up to her hugging and then..um soos I think? Also joined in the group hug..while I just stood there with hands behind my back while looking down to the floor.
       "Oh yeah! I should probably show you to your room. Or the attic..heh." She grabs my hand forcefully while I quietly wince in pain due to the pressure. She basically runs up the stairs dragging my body and I'm pretty sure I got splinters, but aw well...anyways she finally arrived and  we were up..the attic.
       "Wait a minute..Mabel don't you sleep here??" I ask with confusion.
       "Oh! Um actually I don't sleep here..anymore. I now sleep in grunkles Ford's room which is now mine! Ford now basically lives in the basement or lab or whatever. Anyways I'm going to hang out with friends Kay bye!" She says real ass fast while running down the stairs.
       "Well..that was weird..or maybe she just doesn't want to talk to me. Yeah probably. Anyways did I bring anything?..I mean I just brought a pillow and my books and a pen and all that shit for drawing...great." I whisper to myself while looking around. There was a really big window- well not really big, but to me it was- and it was..kinda creepy. Looked like Bill..and the lighting it brought in just looked like the perfect lighting for a murder scene so like..jeez. Guess I'll get use to that.
       I enter the room that'll be my now bedroom..and it was empty. There was a cushion and a table beside it and a real ass small bookshelf in the corner..felt really lonely. Kinda like my old room- no I shouldn't be thinking that. Anyways I just toss my pillow on the cushion that's on the floor and I start to put my books and journals on the small shelf. I then just notice that there's a bathroom in this room..a bathroom in my bedroom. A bathroom where I can hide my stuff.
       'Maybe this won't be so bad...I actually have more freedom and maybe I don't have to go back to my parents anymore..no more hiding..no more priests..no more being hit with the Bible..no more having to be exposed...Im..free?..yet why does it still feel lonely...trapped..suffocated.'
       I then flinch when I feel a tear slowly drop.
       "...well fuck." I say as I quickly wipe the tear..and then well..more tears came. I was basically crying like the lil shit I am. I run up to my door to see if there's a lock. And there is! Hah this place I can hide so much shit! I lock the door and made my way towards my bed- well cushion. I then drop myself on it and just hug my pillow. I hide my face in it and just fall asleep basically skipping lunch and dinner. I was tired..and exhausted...and I felt like shit. I was scared and relieved at the same time. I didn't know what to feel anymore...my head then drifts off and starts to creat a dream that I wish I didn't have..again.

Dippers dream 3rd pov
   Tw:Self Harm..kinda? And suicidal shit
       Dipper can feel himself falling..and drowning. He didn't know what was happening, but all he saw was black and emptiness. He was crying for help as tears came down his face, but he didn't make any sound..he was practically mute. He then landed without feeling anything. He looks up and sees that there's..a light on him? Like as if he was in stage and everyone was watching him perform some sick joke. Dipper blinked and then saw a noose...and a stool...and so much sharp things around him. He was screaming in fear and agony due to the pressure he suddenly felt on his arm. He was weeping out for help, but he was still MUTE. People were now around him..everyone was around him. Everyone he met..his parents..Mabel. EVERYONE WAS STARING DOWN ON HIM. He was looking at each and everyone frantically while hearing them shout "DO IT!" or just laughing and it was taunting. He saw himself walking towards a sharp item...he was doing anything he could to stop himself. Pulling his own arm. Tying to push away. Screaming. Crying. Hyperventilating. He did ANYTHING. Yet he couldn't escape...he saw him pick it up and put it towards a vein in his arm that could make him immediately die...he was pulling it closer and closer when he heard...
       "KID WAKE UP."
...they're fake..

End of dream :)
(Back to Dippers pov)
        I wake up with a scream of agony as tears were streaming down. I then felt pressure on my arm even harder them ever and I pushed away desperately, accidentally hitting my back against the wall..I couldn't hear anything..just the noise of what it sounds like a monitor of a patient that was..dead. I couldn't see anything..everything was so blurry.
       My vision then clears up and I see..I think Ford? He was looking at me worried as Mabel was next to him...with the same face as him, but...more.. unrealistic? I then remember the last words I heard in my dream.
       "They're fake.." I mutter silently.
       "What? Hey Dipper are you ok? I heard you crying so loudly and I tried to open the door, but it was locked and so then I got a key to unlock it. I saw you there clinging and scratching your arms so desperately..I had to make yourself stop and I was shaking you, but you couldn't wake up..and then..this happened. Boy what happened in your dream?" He says while basically summarizing everything.
       "..N-nothing. Don't worry. It was just a n-nightmare. Now get out of this room please so I can sleep." I say in fear of them asking more questions.
       Ford looked rather stunned by my order and just walked out shook. I then look at Mabel with a "get out" face and she just flashes a smile and walks away...who the fuck smiles at someone after practically having a crisis with a nightmare and almost opening all their cuts?..Well maybe this is just how people act. I wouldn't know. I look at my pillow that was basically wet due to all my tears. So I flip my pillow on the other side and fall asleep while shivering since well I fucking lacked a blanket. It felt the same way like I use to sleep at home..cold..scared..dead. Ew that sounded edgy, but anyways I fell asleep shivering insanely. My last thought was...
       'I should visit Bill early...maybe he's also lonely.'

A/N: Hey guysssss :)))))) uh sorry if this chapter sucks ass, but my eyes are sore and are giving up on me even though it's like 7:22 PM for me rn, maybe it's because I woke up early? Idfc anyways hope y'all enjoy this and Im probably going to continue this while continueing my other book. K bye love you no homo :))

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