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3rd pov
Dipper seemed to go further back. He wasn't ready for any of this..how would he know that someone was looking for him? The brunette was shaking as Gideon kept on taking a step further...and further...it reminded Dipper so much of his father. He was terrified as Gideon had such a threatening aura surrounding him.
"What's with the face Dippy? Aren't we friends?" Gideon asked as he kept walking forward. Dipper finally had his back hitting a tree...he was now petrified as the memory of the amount of times he's had to hit the wall trying to run away from his so called parents.
"I...I-I bar-barely know yo-you." The brunette stuttered as he tried to sink into the tree as if it was a cushion. His legs were shaking as he felt like he was losing weight second by second.
"Well then...why don't we start to know each other better? You take an interest in me Dipper," Gideon was close to the point their chests almost touched...the poor boy was uncomfortable and just petrified at all of these sudden actions, "Ya know...the way your sister rejected me was rather harsh...I wonder who gave her the idea? Cause obviously the words she said was completely different then her usual. I wonder who....aw who gives a single shit! Haha now you're in town!..you look so familiar to Mabel yet so different. Eyes that can attract any soul. Hair that is so soft and curly. Face so soft that can feel like a pillow. An innocent face that could cause everyone's hearts to flutter....and such a body that can cause so much sin~" Gideon then put his hand on Dippers hip holding him. That's when Gideon broke Dippers last straw. Dipper immediately stopped shaking. His eyes widened. The brunette then held onto the tree with his hands, jumped up in the air and kicked Gideon to the floor causing him to obviously fall in a harsh method. Dipper himself was surprised at this sudden reaction..he didn't know he could do such thing, but he was relieved. He then looked at Gideon who was barely and slowly getting up.
"YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT ME! Don't EVER touch me or speak to me in that form of manner AGAIN." Dipper then ran off and hid near some trees that were close together. He waited until the sound of footsteps faded. He let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding in.
Dipper decided to panic later, but now he just needed some comfort...but from who? He hasn't been so close to anyone and who would want to be near someone like him? No one that's who, but well..there was only one person he knew actually listened to him and never even bothered to stop him. Though the person probably didn't care...he was all he had currently. So he went and walked towards the direction to where he originally planned to go to. Bill Ciphers statue.
After a few minutes of Dipper walking with small tears running down his face...he finally found the place. His body was trembling. His eyes just kept on having tears in his eyes non-stop. He couldn't help, but cry. Yes he was certainly happy to be there, but...he couldn't help feeling ashamed of himself. What he had just done...he hurt someone. He ran away like a coward. And now he ran to someone else bothering them and just being a burden.
"I-...I'm sor-sorry Bill!" The brunette said through hiccups. He then fell to the floor with his knees hitting the grass harshly. He started to sob quietly feeling so guilty of everything he's done. He was at his breaking point. All the memories of his family kept on hitting him like it was a torture mechanism. He kept on repeating the words "I'm sorry" on and on like he was begging for acceptance. He didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't know what was wrong with him. Why was he so upset? Why didn't he ever have any appetite? Why was he lonely? Why had his parents hurt him in so many ways? Why was he still alive?! Why? There was no answer to any of those questions that repeated in the brunettes mind. He kept on crying and sobbing. His breathing was horrible. His heart kept on pounding and he could hear it from his own ears. He felt like his oxygen now had limits. He felt like he was drowning in nothing expect silence and his quiet sobs. He couldn't tell what was what. His mind was blank. He didn't even have any knowledge of his surrounding anymore. He didn't move a single inch. He just stayed in his position crying and tearing up just wanting all this suffer to have an ending. He was...he was tired. Oh how tired he was of everything. He didn't ever want to wake up. He wanted to be put into a deep sleep where he could be far away from reality. A place where there was nothing to worry about, but sadly...that wasn't how things worked.
While this brunette was basically breaking down, bill was dumbfounded for a moment. And now...he was on full panic mode.

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