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×Disclaimer×: The following chapter will contain trigger warnings of the following:
-Sexual harassment
-obviously written sexual acts forced upon someone so if you're not comfortable with anything sexual in general then please do leave♡

×(I do not condone any of these actions as I'm simply writing this as a writer and as a way to cope with past scenes that were involved in my life, I will not accept any insensitive comments about this subject as I don't want any readers to be triggered over comments, I'm simply putting this for my readers well being♡)×


       "..wow.." Those were the only words that came out of the brunettes mouth as the two males separated, stars were in his eyes as he stared at the blonde, his face was flushed completely as he was processing the situation.

       "Wow, I literally kissed you and that's all you have to say? That hurts, Pinetree~" Bill teased as Dipper simply giggled.

       "No! I ha-have way much more to say! I just..I just can't believe this ha-happened.."

       "..did you like it?..the kiss.." The blondes sudden insecurities builded up as his words came out slowly, he didn't know why he was nervous, he just was.

       "..I-I..gosh this is so embarrassing..bu-but yeah I..I loved it." He smiled gently as he avoided eye contact, he just couldn't seem to stare at the golden eyes without dying from joy.

       "I wa-wanna do it again.." The brunettes voice was gentle and full of affection as he finally stared back at Bill, who was completely red. It was now the blondes turn to have widened eyes, as Dipper leaned in to kiss him, their lips connected as if it was a puzzle, as if they were meant to be.

       The kiss was mesmerizing, they cherished eachothers taste as they pulled their bodies closer, never wanting to be apart again, the brunettes mind was just..cloudy. It wasn't that type of cloudy where someone would wonder if they were still alive or not, it was that cloudy that felt like he was dreaming, as if this would stop if he began to think. He loved this sort of affection, gosh he felt wanted and actually loved, he felt so..special? It was hard to describe, but he didn't want to think of a better way to describe it.

       The kiss deepened as the blonde bit the brunettes bottom lip gently, asking for permission, but as always, Dipper was oblivious to sorts of things. Bill mentally sighed at the realization, but he then let his hands caress Dippers waist, causing the brunette to immidietly gasp from sensitivity, the blonde took this as a chance to slide his tounge in as the two were now in full heat. Their bodies not wanting to separate as their mouths were in rhythm, nothing catching their attention, but themselves. Dippers heart pounded in such a sensation of pleasure and affection, he don't want to stop, oh god no! He wanted this to continue, he didn't know much about kissing, but he appreciated the fact that Bill was helping him slightly by leading him, he admired everything about the blonde. How soft his hair was, how safe his scent felt, how his grin made his heart warm and skip beats, how his voice was so gentle and kind, he loved everything about him. He wanted him so badly, Bill was as well admiring the brunette, the taste of his soft lips, his warm comforting scent could've sent him to heaven, the way he giggled always rang through his ears as if it was an addiction, gosh he loved the way Dipper treated him. He was kind, gentle, loving, he was everything Bill didn't think people would treat him as-


       Suddenly a muffled moan snapped the two out of their thoughts, it came from the brunette who's eyes widened at the noise he made. The blonde on the other hand was completely red, his face flushed in slight embarrasment and surprise. The two males immidietly separated as Dipper was still seated on the blondes lap, the brunette brought his hand up to his own mouth as he stared in shock, his face seemed to have reddened more.

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