♡?ωhατ ιs τhιs?♡

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3rd pov

       The woods were as quiet and calm as ever, the sun wasn't too bright, but it wasn't too dull. It illuminated the area through the branches and leaves as the birds quietly tweeted. The sound of the rivers could be heard if you had open ears, and here was Dipper and Bill together in a bed. Their warmth occupying each other as they held one and another. Or well Bill was spooning Dipper as the brunette was in light slumber. The demon simply forced himself to sleep and began dreaming, wasn't an odd dream, just memories he cherished.

       After a few minutes, two brunetted soft eyes fluttered open. His hair slightly messy (even if it always was), he formed his hands into small fists as he gently rubbed his eyes, adjusting into the lighting. It wasn't so late, as the day didn't even finish, it was maybe sunset hours, but he didn't know 'nor cared. Dippers eyes averted around the room as he recalled what happened, gently smiling to himself as he saw Bill hugging him from behind. He softly giggled as he played with Bills hair for a moment, the sleepy demon waking up in the process. His voice was dark and slightly raspy, but gentle as he spoke to the smiling male.

       "Mm..Mornin', Pinetree...did you sleep well?" The brunettes smile softened again as he sighed in joy.

       "Best sleep I've ever had..lets go make you some food, your form is probably starving." Both their voices were so quiet, the only ones that heard it would be the speakers, as if no one mattered and their eyes were just focused on eachother..they acted like a couple somewhat, but Dipper was oblivious to it as he never had knowledge of lifestyles. He had knowledge of some emotions, but he always ignored them. He just went along with the scene overall.

       "..mhm..huh? Oh shit- sorry I almost fell asleep..but yeah I'll just summon food since I don't wanna go out today..what do you wanna eat?" Bills arms let go of Dipper, both their bodies missing their warmth, but neither admitted it. The blonde sat on the other side of the bed, sitting on the edge as Dipper stood up and let out the most quiet and small yawn.

       "I'm not so hungry-"

       "Eggs it is. C'mon, Pinetree..I'm not letting you starve. Your family may not have noticed you, but I'm different. And you're going to eat something, but first..uh- le-lets get you a shirt on.." Dipper blinked for a minute, but his eyes averted to his own body, his chest exposed as his cheeks immidietly turned red.

       "A-ah! Oh, ahah uHh yea-yeah let me go change..uh we should probably show-shower! I'll wait in the living room..okaybye." The brunette grabbed a blanket and covered himself as he sped downstairs..why did Bill think he meant they would shower together..and why was he dissapointed he left?

       "Stupid fleshbags and their fucking emotions.." Bill ran his fingers through his hair as he mumbled. He sighed and got up, heading to the restroom.

       Dipper was sitting on the couch as he hugged a pillow tightly, gosh he was embarrassed. How did he forget about putting on a shirt?! He and Bill literally fell asleep together while he was shirtless! Gosh he felt stupid that he even forgot. He groaned in embarrassment as he hid his face in the pillow, screaming into it as his face seemed to have reddened even more.

       "I'm such a dummy..ugh shut your mouth Dipper! Thinking about it isn't gonna help...but the cuddlies were nice.." The brunettes mouth formed a smile behind the pillow as he let out a small giggle..he felt warm inside and his stomach felt like it had butterflies. He didn't understand what it was, but gosh did he love the feeling. He never wanted it to stop.

       The hot water hit Bills hair as he began cleaning, his thoughts were all over the place, but it somehow always led to Dipper. He always for some reason started thinking about Dipper..was it bad? He didn't know how to answer that, for all he knew he could've been sick and got some sort of infection from the brunette- oh, but that was a dumb thought. He himself knew that wouldn't happen..so why did he think of him a lot? It was strange, but so amazing. He liked the feeling that Pinetree made him feel..so how come he felt horrible when Dipper was hurt? How come he pushed Gideon off of the crying brunette? He shouldn't feel any pity or even a hint of sympathy for him..but he did. He was outraged at the pig that hurt his Dipper..and he was slightly jealous? Now he was just thinking nonsense..no he wasn't. He hates to admit it, but for some reason he imagined Dipper underneath him..he imagined the brunette whispering his name out of love and pleasure..gosh what was he thinking?! Maybe he was just horny for the male..so why did he also imagine himself hugging and kissing him? He wanted to do lovingly things to him, he wanted to make him feel special and loved, he wanted to protect him and hurt anyone that tried to have him..it was an odd feeling. Bill knew how humans acted with their emotions..and he didn't like it. He was a full softy for the brunette and he couldn't back away from that fact whether he liked it or not.

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