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3rd pov

       The brunette was currently walking back to Bill where he would then try to think out his plan. Was Dipper nervous about this? Well yes he was, but he still wanted to help Bill. The brunette was debating whether or not to get more supplies for himself..last time he snuck in the shack didn't go so wEll- the boy then decided he would go back for supplies.

       The boy sighed and walked towards the direction of where the shack would sooner or later appear. The boy this time decided he would need to be wary of his steps and surroundings. Dipper then reached his location and climbed to the roof yet again the second time. The boy reached his window and opened it slowly entering, he slowly went and lightly landed on the cushion. He was looking for some of his sketch books that were in his bag as well he needed to do something to free himself from boredom! After getting his bag and packing it up with some supplies he then reached towards the small window yet again, but he felt his body tense when he heard a familiar voice echoing through the shack.

       "Heh! Anyways it's lovely to talk to you all, but have you seen Dipper?" Gideon questioned from downstairs in the living room..Dipper was now gone for two days, possibly, and Gideon was getting tired of not seeing him. Gideons chuckle echoed through Dippers head as his eyes widened..he was scared of him. No, not scared, terrified. He didn't want to be found by him. He reminded the brunette too much of his father with how they act. The boy immediately bolted for it and jumped out the window then leaped from the roof with no hesitation what so ever. Did he hurt his ankles harshly? Well no shit of course he did! Sadly his commotion was heard by the family as he then heard them questioning the noise. Dipper immediately bolted towards the woods not caring if he would be seen, Gideon however only got a glance of his hair, but he could seem to figure out who it was, I mean brown hair is common.

       After what seemed like hours of running, the boy stopped near a tree and was now panting as he wasn't use to running this much. His face was flushed as this is what exercise does to you, though if people didn't know he ran it would've looked like a completely different situation with him panting and a red face. Thankfully he was close to Bills statue so he then walked towards the statue and immediately laid against it, trying to catch his breath.

       "Wow..w-who would've th-thought that would take my energy..hah.." Dipper panted out as he looked at the woods. Bill..well I mean you could see where his mind was going to. He was..rather stunned by the brunettes comment, but decided to not question it as he also was having a difficult time in thinking of innocent reasons for the boy to be acting like this.

       "O-..ok, Bill...um I have a pl-plan..so if yo-you find wh-what I'll be doing as o-odd, th-then ple-please don't question it hehe!" The brunettes giggle ran through Bills mind as his attention was towards Pinetree. The demon didn't answer and just nodded in his mind knowing the boy wouldn't know.

       "Alright then! Um- I-I'll just be- um yeah haha!" The brunette awkwardly laughed as he pulled out a sketchbook from his bag. Bill noticed it was the same book he brought before..he didn't draw so much, but more likely writing. Dipper was just looking at the nature while drawing his surroundings..he was a boy with a creative mind that was captured by adults.

       'Why in the actual fuck would he help me? Like, kid are you kidding me? I'm a demon for fuck sakes! Yeesh your parents must've fucked you up to the point you'll even do this...what did they do to you?' The demons thoughts were all over the place with curiosity, meanwhile Dipper was..feeling a bit lonely. He was never taught how to manage his emotions, they were all over the place. He never knew how he felt, he couldn't tell when he was happy because it would just disappear in a snap. He didn't know what was wrong with him..Mason just knew something was wrong with him. Dipper decided to talk to Bill again to take his mind off of things.

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