🥀×dreams die×🥀

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3rd pov

       "O-Oh alright sorry for disturbing you I'll just go- wait did you just say we could stay?" The brunettes ears perked up from suprise as he looked back at the bear. The creature simply chuckled and nodded. Dipper smiled softly and thanked him, he then brought Bills statue inside the cave, not too far deep and not too close to the outside.

       "Child..what plans do you have for Bill? About the situation?" The bear asked as he laid down, the boy was looking outside seeing as the sky was slowly becoming dark, the stars began to slowly shimmer as it illuminated Dippers skin. The boy looked back at the bear and smiled a smile that could stab someone's heart...he looked confident about himself for once. The bear didn't know the boy so much, but he felt proud for the kid to smile such a smile. It felt like he's never smiled like that in years.

       "I'm doing a little trick on the town! You see," the boy took a deep breath and sat in front of the bear still smiling, " I saw the festival they were doing for Bills disappearence and saw they were planning to egg his statue, that's pretty fucking harsh hehe..anyways uM- oh yeah! So I planned out a plan that was ka-pow! I plan on bringing Bill somewhere in which the town wouldn't be able to find him, so they wouldn't egg him. Now that's checked off the list. The town will probably look for him in a while, but now if they searched everywhere they wouldn't dare to look here as you said so yourself. People are kind of scared of this place..for some reason? I don't know, but anyways ahEm- um what else..oh well I think that's all I had in mind. We're just gonna stay here till the town calms down hehe.." The brunette giggled quietly as he played with his hands just being the akward boy he is. The bear nodded in understanding and ruffled the boys hair, in which the boy looked up in suprise. If it was someone else..he would probably flinch, but he had a soft spot for animals. Dipper giggled yet again and got up to walk towards Bills statue.

       "Hey, Bill..um sorry for touching you, woAh- um that sounded kind of weiRd- I meant as um sorry for touching your statue! You get what I mean.. anyways. Hope you're not mad about this." The brunette sat next to the statue as they both looked out the cave..overall some few more minutes passed by and there was a comfortable silence in which the boy enjoyed. The creature was already heading back farther into the cave and mentioned he would be sleeping. The boy nodded and continued looking outside. At this point he already had his sketchbook out and started to draw the different creatures he saw from memory. He heard the town, who have already given up looking, seeing the carnivals lights show off onto the sky. He heard screaming, laughing, and the enjoyment of the town. Dipper looked at the stars seeing how bright they showed off and how they illuminated the forest, the moon in a crescent moon phase. Bill on the other hand had his eyes on Dipper. He was honestly intrigued by the boys actions and stunned.

       The boy would be perfect to take a picture of. His hair looking soft and like silk as the stars shinned onto him and his eyes glowing with galaxies into them, but that smile he did when looking at the sky..boy did it kill Bill. Bill was stuck in thought and was arguing with himself mentally.

       'Well..the kid saved you from being egged. Oh, but who gives a shit about THAT?! It's just being egged! Not like the kid saved your fucking life..he's still a Pines. And always will be. The Pines are shitheads who don't know when to fucking stop. If they got you in a fucked situation why wouldn't Pinetree do the same?! He's just like all of those dumbasses in town. The summon you and just forget you, not caring anymore. So when I do something big they finally fucking notice?! Jeez Pinetree's probably the same like those stupid lil shits- gosh who am I kidding. Pinetree's not stupid. Even if I hate admitting it, he's probably the one person who isn't an idiot in this town..I mean c'mon Bill, he saved you and HID you from the town to avoid being egged, he knows what you did, and he even came to me first to even talk?! I mean sure the kid probably lost his sanity, but..he doesn't act like it when you know him more I suppose..he's actually sweet and kind- NOPE I DID NOT JUST THINK THAT!..the kid probably just needs company. But maybe he can help me more than the Pines? Oh who am I kidding, why the fu-' The demons thoughts were interrupted by the brunette sat next to him.

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