+•Holding hands•+

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"•" = time skip since I'm getting tired of writing the words,,,also I like it.

3rd pov

       "Pinetree?" Bill walked along the path as he spoke, Dipper following along side him. They were somewhat close to the cave as the sound of their silent footsteps can be slightly heard, but was also muted due to the noises of calming nature muffling it.

       "Yeah, Bill?" The brunette responded as he played with the end of his sleeve, he found himself feeling comforted and protected when we wore Bills sweater.

       "I get that what I'll ask may be a sensitive topic to you, but I don't know so uh sorry if it triggers you slightly, but..what happened to your wrists? I remember the first time I saw them when you found my statue and they looked all bandaged up..who caused it?" Dipper immidietly stopped in his tracks and stopped playing with his sleeve, he was hesitant to speak and all that came out were stutters that couldn't even form any words. Bill seemed rather worried and was about to calm him down, but was interrupted but the brunette deciding to speak.

       "I...those bandages cover up my arm as they have, what my mother calls it..ba-battle scars..otherwise also known as..smuh-small slices of sins in the perspective of my father. I don't like showing them or talking about it so much so..lets drop the subject. Please." His shaky voice made Bills stomach sink..he never liked whenever the brunette sounded scared or so broken..it seemed to dissatisfy him. He wondered if it was just because he didn't like hearing crybabies, but the thought about him caring for Dipper seemed more logical for some reason. The blonde nodded in understanding as he gave the brunette a smile, in which he returned. The two finally realized that they reached the cave and walked back in as Dipper immidietly dropped the bag onto the floor. Bill was about to question..that was until Dipper tugged his sleeve.

       "Blankets! And..uh..and pillows! Summon those things..please?" The brunette whispered as his eyes made eye contact with the blonde. Bill rose an eyebrow in which Dipper found himself slightly frowning, thinking that Bill would decline the request. But instead, Bill just nodded and snapped his fingers as the items appears in the air and dropped onto the floor. The brunette smiled gently as he went to grab the items, Bill saw Pinetree laying our the blankets as if it was a nest as the brunette finally laid down the pillows against the wall. Dipper immidietly sat on the blankets and snuggled beside them, he then looked at Bill who in response showed a confused facial expression. Mason let his arms out slightly as he showed his hands doing gestures of grabbing something, but high up in the air. Bill then again didn't realize what was happening till Dipper whispered.

       "Cuddlies and snuglies! You promised that we would cuddle..and be-bear guy isn't awake so we should wait for awhile.." Dipper started to get shy as his face was flushing. Bill chuckled and walked over to where the brunette was.

       "You surprise me everytime, Pinetree.." Bill then laid down as Dipper shyly scooted closer to him, the blonde started to get annoyed so he just grabbed the brunettes waist and pulled him in for a hug, the brunette yelped in surprise during the process. But here they are, the two males cuddling under blankets as they provide eachother warmth. Dipper slightly shoved his face against the blondes chest as Bill held him.

       "Hugs are nice...they make me feel all warm inside." The brunette whispered as he relaxed in Bills arms.

       "Pfft..you act like you haven't been hugged in years." Bill sarcasticly said as he rolled his eyes, Dipper giggled and replied with his gentle voice.

       "That's because I haven't...I remember seeing a bird after who knows how long..they look really soft. And they're pretty.."

       "Woah, woah, wait. You're telling me that you haven't gotten a hug or seen a bird in years? Pinetree, where in the actual fuck were you during all these years?"

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