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Dippers pov
       That's all I heard..it wasn't that type of silence that was suffocating..it was rather comfortable. No akward tension in the air. No thoughts of when the priest will come or what my parents will tell me. Nothing. I honestly completely forgot I was free..well somewhat. I still need to get use to my environment I guess. But I mean it's not like I'll really talk to much people right? Right.
       I slowly open my eyes to see the empty ceiling. I can feel the light hitting my face from what seems like years. I sigh. Not in disappointment. Rather distress..and a mixture of relief. It is really quite confusing to explain shit ya know? I rub my eyes and get off my bed practically falling on the floor that was not so far from me. I then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth...and wow when I looked at the mirror I sure looked tired.
       'Damn I look like shit..huh. Guess this is what happens when you just are dead ass ugly...no shit Dipper. And my fuck my anything feels sore.'
       I finished cleaning my mouth and started to just simply fix my hair. And well..I was getting fucking lazy so I just went to get on some clothes and took a shower. And I just gotta say...damn was that shower the best feeling ever. Like not in a sexual or arousal way, but just comfy ya know? In my old household my parents made me take showers with fucking cold water so I wouldn't feel any pain within my cuts, but um fuck that. Like I get that it hurts as hell, but like I'm cold? I ain't going to die from hypothermia like damn I'm always shivering! Anyways I can finally feel the warmth hit my body and I was getting goosebumps and was a little shook from the sudden pleasure. (Damn that sounded way too sexual-). I started to clean my body while simply ignoring the cuts and scars left on my arm..I mean you do kinda get use to looking at them, but not all the times. I then put shampoo on my hair and stated scrubbing, kinda like scratching your own hair. As I finished I turned off the shower slowly since I'm going to get hit by a big feeling of harsh coldness. I then got out of the shower and immediately dry myself and dry my hair. I start to put on clothes that were rather simple. Just a darkish blue plain sweatshirt with a pair of dull light blue shorts, now before you may be asking why I'm actually showing skin, well I mean I hate showing my arms cause well ya know my arms suck ass, buttttt I mean hey I like feeling the cold breeze so don't judge me and I mean I AM losing some space on my arms for something soooo I MAY get to trip by accident and cause pain on my legs, it's like a win win I could say- ya know if I talked to anyone like this..they would probably be weirded out.
       'UGH think straight Dipper!' I then sigh and start brushing my hair a bit. I exited the bathroom and plopped onto the matress.
       'Theres not much to do here..in this lonely room. With no interactions whatsoever..pretty pathetic. Sad. Disappointing. I mean who would be near someone that their own parents hate. Yeah...yeah. But it's fine, maybe I can look for something..a source...a..solution to all my problems..yes. Just look for one Dipper. It's really simple...so...so..simple. Maybe I can break the glass-' My thoughts broke when I saw a few paintbrushes on the floor.
       'Oh..shit! I forgot about Bill! That's righttt...I was going to clean him! Gosh how can I forget someone so easily..I'm such an asshole. Well I should probably start getting ready since I'm pretty sure I still have time before anyone else wakes up.' I then gather up all my brushes and paint and watercolors and shove them into my bag. I immediately grab it and put it over my should before I started to put my shoes in a hurry.
       I usher out my bedroom door and quietly walked down stairs while speeding every time I got down one step. I then pass..the kitchen. My stomach growled, but I simply ignored it since I mean..who needs breakfast?
      I then start to just have a relaxing walk in the forest trying to find the destination. I can kind of memorize the path t the destination, since I mean c'mon I'm in a FUCKING FOREST LIKE HOLY SHIT. Anyways I slowly have a nice lil walk around nature as I start to see a glance of bills statue. I then hurry myself as not wanting to make him wait. Though he may not be listening it's nice for some company rather than "family". I start to run like my life depends on it just desperate to see something...I then reach my arrival. I start to slow down while panting a bit, but I'm still fine, surprisingly. I then let out a sigh.
       "H-hey..s-sorry I took long. I was sleeping and had to take a s-shower...anyways! Here's the supplies hahhhh.." I say while panting and also just simply dropping my bag while I see my supplies slowly roll out of it.

       Bills pov
       It was a simple morning of boredom for a simple demon. Actually scratch that for a PISSED demon. And I mean who fucking wouldn't when STUPID FLESHBAGS FUCKING MAKE ME STARE AT NOTHING FOR YEARS. My fuck like can't I just have something to do??? I just start to stare at the sky..the blue sky. With birds on it. Wonder what it'll be like with someone- woah woah woah Bill fucking Cipher slow the fuck down...with someone? Ew..just ew. Ew right? Yeah it's disgusting...to be with someone. ANYWAYS. I just stare into the forest waiting for some movement and overall it's been I would say 10 to 14 minutes of staring and I'm dying each second...that was until..I saw movement.
       'My, my, my. What do we have HEREEEEeeee- oh shit it's pinetree kid...wait why is he here this fucking early? This kid seriously wouldn't be here at this time...who the fuck does this kid think he is..meeting up with some fucking demon.'
        I then hear him speaking about how he was sorry..and then out of nowhere I see him drop supplies..I fucking forgot about that. Welp at least someone's here...at least pinetrees here. Though I don't trust him fully..he seems like a good person..which is odd. Very odd.

(A/N:Sorry for any mistakes. K bye)

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