☕¶ Dinner ¶☕

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Dippers pov
       Welp I slept during the day and now here I am at 2 am in the morning still awake and walking to the forest.
       "Maybe talking to Bill would help...sure he's a fucking demon, but I'm fucking stressed so what's the difference?" I mutter to myself while walking slowly to the path I usually follow.
       After a few minutes of walking...I finally arrived to my destination. Bills statue as usual was simply sitting there, but it was clean and new. I giggle to myself at the memory of literally painting a statue and having to clean the dust off..it's just funny ya know? Like cleaning a demon? Pff sounds like something.
       "Hey Bill... you're probably wondering why the fuck I'm even here at 2 in the morning- wait do you even know what time it is? We'll probably not cause it's not like there's a magical clock...unless- ok that's out of the point!...sorry for bothering you..again, but I couldn't sleep anymore since I already slept for hours throughout the day..." I explain as I yawn and lay down near his statue...it was quite calming. The sky still somewhat had stars, but you could see the suns dim lighting from the other side of the earth...breathtaking. I sigh in relief and exhaustion.

Bills pov 👀
       I...am honestly confused as fuck again. This kid seriously came to me. A fucking demon that he knows almost destroyed Gravity Falls...just to talk and hang out with me? Like I understand this kid with his isolated self, but why the fuck come to me...I mean I'm not saying I hate his company- NO THINK STRAIGHT BILL STRAIGHTTTTTT- YOU'RE A FUCKING TRIANGLE FOR GODSAKES-
       "HoLy shi- wait...a triangle?...Bill you can talk can't you? Well FUCK-" He finishes by plopping himself into the floor again after jumping up in suprise.
       'Holy..shit..I seriously just talked to this boy without knowing cause I'm always fucking distracted. Should I?...no just don't reply Bill. It'll just bring in more problems...God damn I wish I can fucking reply.'
       "I mean...you can't talk physically, but possibly mentally huh? Haha...wow Bill. Ya know...you aren't much of an...asshole...as they say...you..are...." I then see him close his eyes so I suppose he fell asleep.
       'Please tell me I did not just hear what I thought I hear...not much of an asshole? What?! THATS WHAT I'M SUPPOSE TO BE. IM A FUCKING DEMON! WHO DOES THIS KID THINK HE IS-'
       My thoughts were then interrupted when I felt a little weight in front of my statue somewhat.
       "Night..Bill... I'mma just take a lil nap...here..." He yawns while positioning into a comfortable position. I mentally sigh in frustration.
      'God damn this kid...fucking confusing as hell. A demon? Nice? Not an asshole? Please!...how the hell did something affect you this much? Oh c'mon Bill he can't fucking hear you...yet. Just wait...you can't trust him. He's a Pines.'

Time skip
       It's now morning and Pinetree is still sleeping...should I wake him or?
       'I mean would the Pinetree's family even be worried...the other day they didn't give a fuck or even called to check him when he was practically gone for the entire day...but what if there was something he wanted to tell me? I mean who the fuck walks through the woods at 2 am and talks to a fucking demon?..Do I wake him up or? OH FUCK IT-'
       "HEY PINETREE WAKE UP!" I practically scream in his mind. I then see him jolt up in suprise...and he had different reactions..at first he was surprised, then calm, then started realizing what happened and looked around, then looked at me stunned.
       "Holy. Shit...wait so I wasn't dreaming- well of course I wasn't- who the fuck wouldn't believe this shit in here...gosh I curse too much, but holy fuck...So you can talk? Oh my g o d." I then see him smile sweetly and chuckle while starting to tear up again? What in the actual fuck?
      "Welp who would've thought someone would care Dipper Pines...not me haha...actually listening to me and being able to shut me up, but doesn't...you know you probably see me as a weird person, but Bill...I think that's you. No not because you're a demon, but cause you care...and that's just weird as fuck from literally anyone in the world...everyone just loves to be selfish once in a while then they get addicted...like drugs..like self harm..like alcohol...like...anything amazing." He then wipes his tears with his sleeve and sees the sky. He breaths in until his breath stops and his eyes widen.
       "FUCK- wait what time is it- HOLY SHIT- ok it's almost afternoon, but what did he say for the time? I wouldn't know...is it normal to just ditch someone...no that's rude Dipper. Ok it's not late...so I have time," he then gets up quickly and rubs his eyes while I'm confused as fuck, "Ok I have to go Bill since I need to see...Gideon? Yeah Gideon! For some dinner I guess? I don't know what he wants...but I can't ditch him so I'll see you later!" He then rubs off quickly while dodging some branches about to hit him...and I'm just standing here..stunned and pissed.
       'Gideon? As in Gideon fucking Gleeful? Holy shit HAHA I remember that bratty puppet! Wonder what happened to him. I swear if Pinetree is going to actually see that lil shiT- wait why should I care?! Yeah just..forget about it.'
       I then just look at the sky and close my eye to relax. (Ok since some people have been commenting this shit I'm getting pissed cause I'm not in the mood- mentally closes his eyes fuck sake, but I'm just fixing it because some people think it's his actual eye my fuCk-)
Dippers pov
       I finally arrived to the shack while panting...and to be honest I felt bad for leaving Bill, but I mean I can't just leave Gideon can I? Will he even show up? Nah probably not...
       I then open the door to the shack and see Mabel and our two uncle's eating at the table. They then have their attention towards me as Mabel is silently judging me. I gulp and start to walk off.
       "Now where were you kid? We didn't even see you in the morning and you come in when we're about to eat? Where in the actual fuck were you at?" I think uncle Stan asks?
       "I-I...I-m sorry- I was at the fores- forest and...I fell asleep in there b- by accide-accident so...I'll be going now to take a shower...sorry sir." I then walk upstairs while ignoring the stares.
       I slam my door quietly with sweaty palms and slide down the floor with my back against the door. I then sigh hardly.
       "Gosh...look what you got yourself into Dipper. You just learned a fucking demon is listening to you, some Gideon guy who is rather creepy wants to meet up with you, and now you're in a shack with some pissed uncle...my Lord." I whisper while getting up. I stretch and then grab some simply clothes. Just a black turtle neck with a pair of light dull blue jeans and my normal shoes, since they're literally the only shoes I have...why do people get multiple shoes? I then run my hand through my hair and enter the bathroom. I lock the bathroom door and quickly take a shower.
       '...I kinda miss mom and dad...oh how their punishments would fix me...now look at me. Gosh mother and father were correct..you really are a fucking weirdo.'

Flashback 3rd pov
×tw: abuse possibly×
       Dipper was just 2 years younger than the age he is now so either 14 or 15...just in his room staring at his wrists that were covered in scars and deep slashes...his parents found out a few weeks ago and just made his punishment even more harsh.
       "Mason...let me in." His father says with a strict tone. Dipper sighs and walks to the door while shaking due to the lack of warmth. He then opens the door and sees his father holding his Bible with a necklace, of Jesus all bloody attached to a cross, around his neck. Dipper already knew what was going to happen, but was still terrified.
       "H-hello father.." Dipper replies while awaiting for his father to enter the room. His father then enters the room and slowly closes the door. Oh how it sent shivers down Dippers spine. His father then gives him the look and Dipper does as he is told as the usual. He goes in front of his father and goes into a praying position with his hands holding onto each other while forced into a fist. Dippers face was looking at the floor shaking. His father simply glares at his son underneath him.
       "Let me see those sins on your arms Mason. We must show repsect to the Lord."
       Mason slowly shows his arms while still kneeling down on both knees. Dipper then looks up to see his father with a disgusted face...he knew his father was not in the mood.
       "Oh Mason...me and your mother argued again about your sins," His father forcefully grabs Masons arms causing him to stand up, "My wife says that you'll be a survivor. A warrior. And I don't disagree, but we both know that our Lord with not forgive us. So you must pay for your sins!" He then grabs Dippers hair and drags him onto the corner of the room. He forces Dipper to sit down and brings out his Bible...covered in old blood. He then starts to hit Dipper rather harshly on his arms...opening cuts. Opening "sins".
       "YOU WILL NEVER SIN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" His father repeats again and again waiting for a response from the crying hysterical boy. Dippers then starts to fight back..for once.
       "DAD," Dipper starts to stand up and looks at him in the eye with tears in his eyes, " I AM NOT A SIN. MY CUTS ARE NOT A FUCKING SIN. I'M YOUR SON. YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO PROTECT ME. LOVE ME. H-HE-help me....not do this. Your Lord isn't mine. Because this isn't what you're suppose to fucking do! I JUST WANTED HELP, BUT YOU DIDN'T WANT THAT- SO I TRIED TO HELP MYSELF YET YOU WON'T EVEN ALLOW THAT-" He immediately covers his mouth realising his sudden outburst. He then shakes his head rapidly while seeing his father getting closer. His father had no emotion on his face...he just walked towards Mason. And pinned him onto the wall harshly...and mainly reopening cuts...Dippers blood was sliding down his arms slowly while some of the blood got stained on the fathers hand. The father was silent and gently whispered into Dippers ear.
       "Men shall not sleep with men. Men shall not sleep with men. Men shall not sleep with men. Men shall not sleep with men...." He paused and glances at Dipper who is simply looking at the wall on the other side while shaking with wide eyes and tears quickly falling down with his bottom lip quivering, "Mason." He then says which caused Dipper to jolt. Dipper doesn't respond, but just nods while still crying and avoiding eye contact.

       "You aren't men...are you? You remind me of your mother so much when she was young...someone who stood up for herself. Oh...how good it felt to be dominate...You aren't men now are you Mason?" He then starts to put one of his legs between Dippers. And starts to grind on him. Dipper then shakes in fear even more.
       "IM A MAN! IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN!" He starts to shout louder than usual. His father sighs in annoyance and stops. He looks at Mason in the eye and smiles. He then gives him a head pat as if nothing happened and walks out the room. Dipper falls onto the floor and hugs himself and cries quietly.

End of flashback
Dippers pov
       I then feel tears coming out of my eyes rapidly. I sigh and finish showering. I then change into my cloothes and dry out my hair then enter out of the bathroom.
       "DIPPER SOMEONES HERE TO SEE YOU!" I hear Mabel scream. I then start to usher down stairs while putting on my shoes and see Gideon waiting out of the door. I gulp in fear.

     "Hello Dipper. How was your day?"

A/N sorry for the late chapter.

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