•I didn't want it•

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In this chapter there is a trigger warning for as the following:

-Seuxal assault
-Hints of something that'll lead onto rape(but it doesn't actually happen, just hints of it.)
-Sexual actions being forced onto someone (so if you don't like any talks about sexual activities in general then I advise you to leave please)

If you get triggered by any of these then please skip the chapter and go and read some BillDip fluff♡ I do not condone any of these actions as I'm simply writing this as a way to deal with past events that have happened towards me, please do not take any offense towards this as its not my intentions.♡♡
3rd pov

       The morning soon arrived, well it wasn't quite slow as both the males slept quite late. The carnival was still a mess and piles of trash were scattered all over the floor of nature. The birds tweeted in tunes as usual as the sun very slowly rose. A blondie was currently staring at the ceiling, as he wasn't use to sleep. He didn't really know why he needed it or why his eyes felt like they were about to shut down with each second passing, he didn't know how a person could just see darkness for hours and open their eyes feeling perfectly fine. It seemed off towards the male.

       'Gosh..why the hell do these fleshbags need to close their eyes? Can't their body just relax by..laying down? I don't get these weirdos..ugh I feel like shit. Should I ask Pinetree?- No he's..sleeping? Or is he dead? Gosh, what if he is dead?! I don't want to deal with another dead body! FUCK!' The blondies thoughts were getting louder as he started to panic about whether the boy was dead or not. Bill finally decided to wake the boy up to see if he was dead or not.

       The blondie sat up from the floor as he looked at the forest..it was a view he hasn't seen in a long time. He remembered the same area he always saw for years, then..Dipper came. He didn't know if the brunette was a freak or some psycho, but he was actually thankful for the brunette to even move him. He was getting tired of living in all honesty. The blondie slowly got closer to the brunette while getting nervous each second, the fact that the brunette looked so peaceful and innocent didn't help at all.
     Bill then sighed softly as he looked at the male in front of him, while hesitating to even touch the boy, but after overthinking, he finally fought against his worries. The blondie softly poked the brunettes cheek as light as possible, but instead of Dipper waking up, the sleeping brunette just squirmed a little and made a small barely noticeable squeaky noise. Bill slightly got suprised by the noise, but decided to not question it, he then shook the brunettes shoulders a bit. Right when he did that, the brunette immidietly woke up with wide eyes and sat up quickly. Bill backed away quickly due to shock as he saw the brunette look around quickly while breathing quickly. Dippers eyes landed onto the blondie as they made eye contact, the brunette slightly calmed down as he realized nothing was going to happen towards him..he immidietly shook the thought away as he sighed and smiled gently towards Bill.

       "Bi-Bill? Why are you up so late? Nightmare or...wait do you know how to sleep?" The brunette then realized that Bill still wasn't use to being a fleshbag as the Blondie shamefully nodded. Dipper giggled and began to scoot towards the Blondie slowly as he was still tired.

       "Look..Bi-Bill. Just lay down, rest your body and close your eyes..when you're a human that means your energy needs to rest and build up for the next day. When you're eyes feel droopy and you keep on yawning then you're tired!", the brunettes gentle soft voice seemed to calm the blondie down, dipper sounded like a child who learned something new and was explaining everything to his parents, the boy continue, "So, some of us sometimes have..problems when sleeping. Like you can't fall asleep no matter how hard you try, or you're too paranoid to fall asleep. I think that's why some people take..pills? Ah- I can't remember so much right now since I barely woke up..so-sorry, but still..just rest down and close your eyes. You'll wake up and it'll feel like you didn't even sleep. You won't be seeing darkness forever, just a few minutes and then bam you wake up!..it feels like magic..like time travel..its really weird, but don't worry. Sleeping is nice..you don't have to worry over so many things..your bad thoughts just silence themselves." The brunette soft small smile seemed to slowly fade, but it still stayed put. Bill nodded in understanding as he then laid down. He looked over the brunette who was now getting up while rubbing his eyes to adjust to the lighting.

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