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3rd pov
       As the day passed different events happened. As well the things before and the consequences. Gideon didn't know what to feel about everything quite frankly, to be honest he was pissed, but he also just started liking Mason even more. He couldn't get it through his skull and took Dippers actions as a sign that he's playing hard to get. He simply thinks it's a typical highschool love story, idiotic to be honest. Did he tell anyone? No..not yet at least. He went home and just laid in his bed all day thinking about every single inch of the brunette and how similar he was to Mabel. Mabel on the other hand was pissed. Enraged. Boiled. She couldn't handle anything and was even more stressed out at the fact that her brother hugged her! He hugged her? Yep. He did and Mabel remembered each second of that rare scene. She was stunned yet upset at the fact that Dipper stood up for himself. She wasn't in control as much as she was before...she actually now regretted letting others know about him, but now she has to deal with it..only "positive" thing about the situation to her is that Mason will probably sooner or later get addicted to self harm again..maybe he will maybe he won't.
       And well Mason wasn't ready to look in the eyes of Mabel. Not yet at least, but he was terrified at the fact that he actually hugged Mabel and showed affection towards someone who's family...it was a new thing for him. Currently he was sleeping on the ground next to the statue as he planned on staying overnight. Bill was  staring off into space while his blood is boiling as people are planning to egg him on a specific time this day. Was he ready? Well no, but he was use to it..and he couldn't do much about it, sure he could've talked to them and he's tried, but seems like his voice can mainly frighten the Pines family as they've seen everything he's done. He honestly gave up trying to frighten the citizens since they now knew the rules and limits when touching his statue. And even if they did go over the limits he didn't know if he could really trust the consequences, yes he was a powerful demon, but he was literally taken down by Ford! He didn't want to risk being taken down again. He needed a plan otherwise the Pines would be more paranoid and prepared.
       It was about 5am as Dippers eyes slowly fluttered open. The brunette then uncurled from his position and stretched. He then looked up at the sky realizing it was rather very early.
       "Oh...what am I going to do now?" The boy yawned as he looked around. His eyes then stopped when he noticed a big machine...kind of like a circle. He remembered it being called a ferries wheel as he went on it when he was little..last ride he ever went on.
       "Wh-..whys that there?" The brunette then walked into the woods slowly and quietly as he didn't have enough energy to rub. He then stopped when he reached the end of the forest, Mason hid behind a tree and peaked his head over to see what was the commotion. There was as if a carnival with all these sorts of games and toys..at first Dipper was confused about this. There wasn't much to celebrate about unless people wanted money? He then looked around yet again and searched for anything that could answer his question..his soft brown eyes then spotted a sign. It said "Eggs at Bill". The boy was now certainly confused as it had terrible grammar to his eyes..his mind was in deep thought until he realized what was happening.
       "They're going to egg Bills statue?..shit...poor Bill though why would they do that?", He then walked back into the forest and headed towards his original location, "I mean I get that he did shitty things, but...they did summon him and didn't even read the consequences..but I guess they're pissed for Bill almost taking over...though I wasn't there I could imagine the fear...thinking you're going to die..actually that's kind of nice so nevermind- but still! This was like probably 4 or more years ago yet they're still pissed..I mean if he killed people then yeah celebrate his disappearence all you want, but...he turned them into statues right? Yeah he did and sure he threatened Mabel and her Uncle's, but...they pissed him off. And now they're probably going to egg him and celebrate his disappearence, but...I worked a lot to clean his statue. I don't wanna again~ that'll take so long...and Bill shouldn't be having this treatment. They havent seen his side of story and just jumped to conclusions-"  The brunette then bumped into a tree and rubbed his head. He noticed he was already where Bill was and sat in front of the statue trying to think of a plan.
       'I don't really know when they'll throw eggs at him...and I know I'm not simply caring for just a statue thats just an object..the statues Bill. He's in there and can't do anything about what anyone does to him...he isn't a jerk so much I guess..I mean he's listened to me not even bothering to stop me. Sure he probably isn't listening, but hey at least I get to let some stuff out and he doesn't even judge..I have to repay back! But how..his statue is basically glued onto the floor. I can try to dig the dirt out! But damn that'll take pretty fucking long...it'll take most of my time, but hey it's not like I have anything else to do. It's better than doing nothing.'
       "Alright then..might as well get started.." ,The brunette then sighed and got closer to Bill. He the inspected how he was sunk into the dirt, "I'm going to have to sneak in the shack to get a shovel..where do they put the shovels??" The Burnett simply shrugged off his question and got up realizing he sat down for no reason. He sighed in disappointment and walked out being as quiet as possible for no one to hear his foot steps.
       After some few minutes of walking very slowly he then walked near where his bedroom window was...it was really high. He was quite scared of heights not really much of a fan to climbing..falling yes, but climbing certainly not. He wasn't even skilled at that, some could say he was the worst at it. He gulped and decided to brainstorm behind a wall where no one could see him from the windows.
       'Fuck..I've never even climbed anything in my life..not even a bunk bed for fucks sake!..i don't think there's much for me to use here- oH! Wait I know there's this weird pole thingy that I guess isn't important, but anyways you can basically climb down that thing through my window! Maybe I can do that, but climb it! Big brain right now haha!' (A/N: here's a little hint of joy and pride from dippy there ya go my guys please appreciate this moment as it won't last long u_u)
       The brunette then smiled softly at himself feeling proud a bit for even finding out a way to climb such thing. Though he would feel down about this he felt..great. Well not fully, but hey it's at least something right? He then looked up at the pole next to him and held onto. He then put his feet up with his hands and climbed as if it was some long bar. He almost tripped a few times as the pole was rather shitty, but overall he was fine, terrified? Yes. Confident about what he's doing? Somewhat. Ready to go in his room and not get the attention of his relatives? Nope! He didn't know if he could even be silent as possible with the type of woody floor he had, but he was ready to be like a silent breath of air.
       As he sat near his window he tried to balance himself as his window wasn't the biggest. He then held his breath and opened it as if he was pushing a door, as it didn't even have a lock, the brunette eventually landed his foot softly after arguing with himself mentally. After he realized no one heard his one foot land he then landed his other foot quietly. Mason let out his breath and looked around seeing if he could use anything in his room. Sure he could've grabbed the shovel, but if he was planning to move the statue he needed other things too, like new clothes! The brunette then searched through the restroom seeing if anyone left anything in there that he can take advantage of. After some few more minutes of searching around as quietly as possible, he found a small shovel that looked like a child would be using. Wasn't the best tool, but it was something! And Dipper was sure that it could at least dig out some dirt. After that he then went to look for some clothes he could use the present day, he simply pulled out his black overalls that were shorts somewhat, a yellow long sleeve shirt with a white collar that was folded, and his knee high socks so be didn't have to dirty up his legs so much. After changing and washing his face with some little bit of water, he headed towards his phone. He knew that if he took it then his family would rather be suspicious..but I mean he's been gone since night time and they didn't give a single fuck so why should he worry really? Though the thought made the boy somewhat upset he simply sighed to himself and just forced himself to understand that even they didn't care. He took his phone and put it in his pocket as he then walked slowly out of the window, his small feet trying to be as gentle as possible. All was good until he went to slowly walk towards the pole while on the roof...he was shaking a bit terrified of any outcomes and he was right..right when he was near the pole, he lost his balance and fell harshly onto the floor. Did he scream when he was falling? Well no shit of fucking course he was, and now he was cursing himself in his mind as he basically caught his families attention with that type of noise. Right when he landed he immediately scurried onto his feet and ran almost tripping yet again, but caught himself. Right when he entered the forest he heard someone coming out and screaming profanities as the brunette hid behind some tree. His hand was clenching his chest as he felt his heartbeat and could even hear it repeatedly pounding faster and faster. The man screaming then left and slammed the door shut as the boys heart beat was calming down. He then looked at himself to see what was the affect did this commotion cause. Not much happened, well to him it felt like that. His clothes were all ragged and had some dirt on it as his knee had a harsh cut with the hard impact, and one of his socks slowly slide off enough to not protect the boys legs which is why they were bruised somewhat and had scratches here and there. The brunette then sighed to himself yet again and walked off to where Bill was.
       After some minutes of almost getting lost he finally found the statue and ran towards it and slid to the floor that scratched against his skin. Yes it hurt, but he didn't care. He was just panicking as he didn't know when all this egging would start. Mason then looked up directly towards Bills eyes that was designed into the statue. The boys brown eyes glimmered as the sun started to rise. His features stood out more and his eyes seemed more colorful as if there were stars in them.

       "Don't worry Bill. I'm going to help you!" The boy showed a small smile and began to dig.

A/N: tried my best to publish this as soon as possible as I hadn't updated this book in a long time and I apologise so yeah sorry.

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