Chapter 2

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Connor was frozen in place. He couldn't move, couldn't speak and could barely breathe whilst he stared dumbly ahead. He wasn't aware of anything except the presence at his back, and the sound of footsteps coming to stop beside him.

'Look at me,' the Alpha said.

Connor obeyed unthinkingly, finally glancing up, and wished he hadn't. It didn't help him get his thoughts straight or voice back.

The Alpha looked straight out of his fantasies. Tall and broad, his elegant suit underlining the strength in his body, a sculpted face, light grey eyes with long dark lashes and short, curly black hair. He was as tempting to behold as he was to smell, and if Connor could have moved, he would probably have dropped to his knees to rub his face against the Alpha's crotch, whining to be used.

Instead he just stupidly stared at the Alpha with wide eyes.

The Alpha grinned, looking so charming Connor's legs shook with the effort to hold himself up.

'What's got you so spooked?' the Alpha chuckled.

It took a short moment before Connor could answer, his instincts urging him to do anything this Alpha wanted.

'Uh,' he stuttered. 'I... I forgot my raincoat. And I came on my bike. So, uh...'

'Tsk,' the Alpha replied, his tone teasing. 'How unforgivable. What Englishman leaves his house without a raincoat?'

'The worst kind, I hope,' Connor answered without thinking. 'I'm Welsh.'

'Oh,' the Alpha said in surprise. 'Welsh? Have you come far, then?'

For a second Connor didn't understand, even in his haze thinking this Alpha must be an idiot, when he noticed the twinkle in the Alpha's eyes and his little smirk.

Connor suddenly laughed then, because it was so completely stupid, and for some reason, it helped clear his head a bit.

'Very far,' he replied, and his breath almost caught at how satisfied the Alpha looked his joke had worked. 'So very far you might never even find it.'

'Mhm. Sounds like a challenge,' the Alpha replied, and Connor didn't miss the change in mood when the Alpha took a step forward.

Connor didn't dare move, his heart thumping wildly when the Alpha bent down. He leant in close enough Connor felt a whiff of hot air against his neck before the Alpha straightened up again, and his eyes were dark.

'It is you,' he said in a low rumble. 'The little Omega who's been driving me insane since last week. What finally drew you out, pet?'

'W-what? I just - I just had to finish something,' Connor answered lamely, mind going wild at the implications of the Alpha's words.

'Then I am a lucky man,' the Alpha grinned. 'Or I really would have had to comb through the entire building until I found you. How long have you been working here, pet?'

'Uh... not quite three weeks.'

'Ah,' the Alpha replied with satisfaction. 'Good. I would not have forgiven myself if you'd slipped past me for longer than that. Now if you have everything, come with me. I'll drive you home.'

'Oh! No, you don't have to,' Connor protested, unwilling to be a burden.

'I want to. You are not cycling home in this weather. Now come, pet.'

Connor couldn't argue against the Alpha's decisive tone, and followed him out on to the car park. To his surprise, the Alpha draped his jacket over Connor's shoulders and held his briefcase over Connor's head, shielding him a bit from the rain, and the gestures made Connor blush. It was so... chivalrous.

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